DESIGN: Euros por Coronas, Estonia, 1 de enero de 2011

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Estonia entra en la zona euro.
La nueva moneda.
Adiós corona el 15 de enero.
Vídeos sobre la entrada de Estonia.

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Press Kit.

On 1 January 2011, the euro will become legal tender in Estonia, replacing the Estonian kroon at the irrevocably fixed exchange rate of €1 = EEK 15.6466.
The kroon will cease to be legal tender from 15 January 2011.

Interactivo: las fechas de entrada.

TABLES: Mecanismo de Estabilización Financiera

El Mecanismo de Estabilización Financiera
Mayo de 2010
Consejo de la Unión Europea

1 – Mecanismo de Estabilización Financiera para Europa (EFSM):
En principio creado para los 11 países que no están en la zona euro (50.000 millones de euros). 15.000 millones ya han sido prestados. Quedan 35.000 millones.
Se extienden 60.000 millones de euros más para todos los países (EU27).
Total: 110.000 – 15.000 = 95.000 millones de euros.

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2 – Ayuda a la Estabilidad Financiera en Europa (EFSF), Países Zona euro: 440.000 millones de euros.
Rescate de Grecia: 80.000 millones de euros.

3 – FMI: línea de crédito por un máximo de 220.000 millones de euros.
Para Grecia: 30.000 millones de euros para tres años (mayo de 2010).

4 – BCE: compra de deuda soberana en el mercado secundario.

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Los 440.000 millones del Mecanismo de Estabilización Europea (ESM).
Por los 16 países de la Eurozona.
Para tres años.

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Por ejemplo, el rescate de Grecia.
80.000 millones de euros.
Mayo de 2010

+30.000 del FMI.
Total: 110.000 millones de euros.

GRAPHICS: 32% de déficit, Irlanda

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The Irish Times
Rescate a la banca: 50.000 millones de euros.
Déficit: 32% del PIB.
Objetivo 2014: 3% del PIB.

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El reparto de la lluvia de millones.

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A 32% Deficit? How It Happened
Ireland’s latest bank rescue has sent its projected budget deficit for this year soaring to 32% of its economic output—the highest ever for a euro-zone country in the club’s history. So, what happened?

Ireland Thursday said the final cost for fixing its banks could reach as high as €50 billion over time—more than the €33 billion officials had already committed.

In response, Ireland is taking all the pain at once—which is why its deficit is surging so much higher than the previously expected 12% of gross domestic product this year. The goal: To bring finality to its banking woes and get on the right side of rules for euro-zone members.

Many economists expect the deficit to shrink next year, possibly to the low double-digits. Irish officials are trying to cut it to 3% by 2014, meeting a European Union requirement. But that will depend on three things: the performance of Ireland’s fragile economy; how much investors charge the country to borrow; and how much Ireland’s harsh austerity measures hurt consumers.

Alan McQuaid, chief economist at Dublin-based stockbroker Bloxham, says the EU shouldn’t impose such rigid limits on weak economies. Ireland should shoot for 2020 instead of 2014, he says. «These are unusual times, and we need to adjust policy accordingly.»

—Neil Shah

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Bono a 10 años.
Stephanomics, BBC blog.

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Stephanomics, BBC blog.

STATS: We love Luxembourg

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No somos iguales.
PIB por habitante.
Variaciones entre el 41% y el 268% entre los 27 países miembros de la UE.

The figures are based on the latest GDP data for 2009 and the most recent PPPs available. Revised estimates will be published in December 2010.
The Purchasing Power Standard (PPS) is an artificial reference currency unit that eliminates price level differences between countries. One PPS buys the same volume of goods and services in all countries. This unit allows meaningful volume comparisons of economic indicators across countries. Aggregates expressed in PPS are derived by dividing aggregates in current prices and national currency by the respective Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). The level of uncertainty associated with the basic price and national accounts data, and the methods used for compiling PPPs imply that differences between countries that have indexes within a close range should be interpreted with care.
The high level of GDP per inhabitant in Luxembourg is partly due to the large share of cross-border workers in total employment. While contributing to GDP, they are not taken into consideration as part of the resident population which is used to calculate GDP per inhabitant.
The figure for Montenegro is based on a preliminary Eurostat estimate of GDP.

PRESS: La calculadora perfecta

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Tabla para que un ‘freelancer’ pase sus facturas.
Diseñada por Alan D. Mutter, el ’Newsosaur’, en su entrada ‘Stop the explotation of journalism’.

Por contrastar, el otro día contraté a un cerrajero y me cobró 88 euros por hora.
Rompió la puerta perfectamente, algo que ya sabía hacer yo solito. Good job!

Ahora, arroje sus lágrimas bajo esta línea.


GRAPHIC: La crisis del rublo

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Rusia vuelve a devaluar el rublo. Putin y Medvedev aprietan los dientes. Según su ministra de Salud y Desarrollo Social, Tatiana Golikova, el desempleo en Rusia llegará a 2,2 millones en 2009, un aumento del 69% desde noviembre de 2008 (había 1,3 millones registrados y cobrando y 5 millones sin beneficios).

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