ILLUS: Ferrari World

Ilustraciones en el kit de prensa de Ferrari World.
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Formula Rosa

Más imágenes.

The media kit contains invaluable information about Ferrari World Abu Dhabi.

For further information and media enquiries, please contact Weber Shandwick:

Rachel Dunn +971 50 439 4186
May Ng +971 50 698 5227
Bijal Soni +971 50 715 8362

What is Ferrari World Abu Dhabi?
Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, set to open on October 28 2010, is the world’s first Ferrari theme park
and largest attraction of its kind. It will be an intense multi-sensory experience and a must-visit
for enthusiasts, fans and families. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi pays tribute to the passion,
excellence, performance, technical innovation that Ferrari has established over the years and
represents today. The Park will host a number of attractions, including rides for children of all
ages, a wide variety of Italian delicacies, and of course unique shopping experiences.

MAPS: Census of Marine Life

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El primer censo marino.
First Census of Marine Life 2010: Highlights of a Decade of Discovery



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The Census of Marine Life is a global network of researchers in more than 80 nations engaged in a 10-year scientific initiative to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of life in the oceans. The world’s first comprehensive census of the past, present, and future of life in the oceans is being released in 2010.

The Mapping and Visualization Team based at Duke University’s Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab is responsible for developing and sharing methods to display the results of the ten-year Census of Marine Life. Most Census projects are developing their own maps and visualizations.

The following images highlight a variety of maps and visualizations resources produced by the Census projects. Additional information can be found on each individual Census project website.

GRAPHICS: Scientific Visualization Studio, NASA

La NASA ha puesto online un paquete multimedia con motivo de la Cumbre del Clima de Copenhague.

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Una galleria multimedia.
’Climate Essentials’.
Las últimas visualizaciones de la NASA.

Las imágenes se pueden bajar libremente en varios formatos.

Esencial para la NASA:
– El deshielo y los mares
– Groenlandia
– El aumento de la temperatura
– El ozono
– Los huracanas y la temperatura de la superficie de los mares.
– El dióxido de carbono.
– La deforestación.
– La población y el crecimiento de las ciudades.
– La sequía y la agricultura.
– Los incendios.

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Y el sitio de la NASA dedicado al cambio climático.

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