STATS: The Global Gender Gap Report

The Global Gender Gap Report
Ricardo Hausmann, Harvard University
Laura D. Tyson, University of California, Berkeley
Saadia Zahidi,World Economic Forum

Mide las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres para el acceso a la política, economía, salud, trabajo…

The Index is designed to measure gender-based gaps in
access to resources and opportunities in individual countries
rather than the actual levels of the available resources
and opportunities in those countries.

Convert to ratios
First, all data are converted to female/male ratios. For
example, a country with 20% of women in ministerial
positions is assigned a ratio of 20 women /80 men =
0.25 on this variable. This is to ensure that the Index is
capturing gaps between women’s and men’s attainment
levels, rather than the levels themselves.

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Desde 2006
España, en el puesto 11.

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The result puts Switzerland alongside Finland,
Norway, Spain and Cape Verde as countries identified by
the Inter-Parliamentary Union as having a majority of
women in government.

Spain moves up six places in the overall report rankings,
improving its scores across all subindexes to regain
the same overall position it held in 2006. It records some
small gains in the category of women’s economic participation
and opportunity (increases in female labour force
participation, wage equality and estimated earned income,
as well as in the numbers of female professional and technical
workers). Spain’s strengths include the number of
women in ministerial positions, an area where Spain is
among the countries with the highest percentage out of
the 134 countries covered.

However, Spain still ranks towards the very bottom on wage equality, assuming 117th
position. Improvements to Spain’s performance in terms of
women’s economic participation may be expected in the
future following the recent introduction of a law that obligates
all companies with more than 250 employees to create
gender equality plans and the largest companies to
have 40-percent female boards of directors by 2015. The
new law also grants 15 days’ paternity leave to new
fathers. In addition, women must take up at least 40 percent
of the lists of candidates that parties field in elections,
under the new law.

Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Finland
and Ireland show the largest absolute increases in score,
amounting to relative changes of more than 14% when
compared to their performance in the year 2000.

The Global Gender Gap Report 2010 is
published by the World Economic Forum. The
Global Gender Gap Index 2010 is the result of
collaboration with faculty at Harvard University
and the University of California, Berkeley

© 2010 World Economic Forum
All rights reserved.

STATS: Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland

Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland
Federal Statistical Office, Alemania.
2.700 empleados
Wiesbaden, Bonn, I-Punkt Berlin.

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Organigrama, estructura.
La división de gráficos y diseño depende de ‘Estrategia, planificación, relaciones internacionales, documentación y comunicación’.

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Los objetivos.

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Galería de aplicaciones interactivas.

Statistics on the internet:
user-friendly, interactive, free of charge
The number of five million page views per month confirms that the internet portal of the Federal Statistical Office has become the main source of statistical information. By extending the range of online publications and interactive applications in 2009, user access was improved. As more and more theme pages and press releases are linked with the database GENESIS-Online and with the range of international data, users find more quickly what they are looking for. The number of accesses to GENESISOnline in 2009 (about one million) was twice that of 2008: Free tables, a new navigation and a WebService for registered customers had a positive impact on demand.

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A new and innovative feature within the prices area is the price kaleidoscope, which is an interactive graphical application. The price development and the weighting of product groups in the consumer price index are visualised, so that the main origins of price increases or decreases are illustrated.

Price Kaleidoscope
The inflation rate in January 2010 was 0.8%. The rate of price increase does not only depend on how the prices change. Another important factor is the weights with which the price trends of the individual types of goods are included in the overall index.

The size of each section represents the weight. The colour shows how the prices
within that category of goods have changed.
Personal inflation calculator
© Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden / Michael Balzer, Universität Konstanz 2009
table vIewS In GeneSIS-OnlIne per year

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The STATmagazin, which is the Federal Statistical Office’s web magazine, has become
established as an element of the Office’s data supply. Short texts and charts that
are easy to understand, it provides information that is well-based in terms of statistics and deals with issues which are in the focus of public discussion. The trend in the number of free downloads from the publication service is positive: More than 100,000 free publications were downloaded every month in 2009 – with topics focusing most frequently on demographic change as well as producer and consumer prices.

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Since May 2009, the Federal Statistical Office, together with the statistical offices of the Länder, has offered a new interactive regional atlas with over 80 indicators at The visualisation of the statistics is based on data of all rural districts and towns not attached to an administrative district in Germany.
Regional differences – for example with regard to economic power, internal migration or employment – can be seen at a glance.

PRESS: Peggy Lee y Sinatra, mañana

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Nuevo golpe cósmico del WSJ a la economía de España.
Como de costumbre.
Todo será resuelto… manaña, pero mañana nunca llega.
Toda la página 2 del impreso, en la portada del digital.

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Por IRWIN STELZER, director de estudios económicos del HUNDSON INSTITUTE.

Hudson Institute is a nonpartisan policy research organization dedicated to innovative research and analysis that promotes global security, prosperity, and freedom.
About Hudson Institute
Hudson Institute challenges conventional thinking and helps manage strategic transitions to the future through interdisciplinary and collaborative studies in defense, international relations, economics, culture, science, technology, and law. Through publications, conferences and policy recommendations, we seek to guide global leaders in government and business.
Since our founding in 1961 by the futurist Herman Kahn, Hudson’s perspective has been uniquely future-oriented and optimistic. Our research has stood the test of time in a world dramatically transformed by the collapse of the Soviet Union, the rise of China, and the advent of radicalism within Islam. Because Hudson sees the complexities within societies, we focus on the often-overlooked interplay among culture, demography, technology, markets, and political leadership.
Our broad-based approach has, for decades, allowed us to present well-timed recommendations to leaders in government and business, domestically as well as abroad. Hudson Institute has grown steadily-both in prestige and resources-from its origins in Croton-on-Hudson, to its tenure in Indianapolis, and now as a leading international policy organization with offices in Washington and New York.
In the 1970s, Hudson’s scholars helped turn the world away from the no-growth policies of the Club of Rome; in the early 1990s, we helped the newly-liberated Baltic nations become booming market economies; at home, we helped write the pioneering Wisconsin welfare reform law that became the model for successful national welfare reform in the mid-1990s. Today, as part of our research agenda, we are developing programs of political and economic reform to transform the Muslim world.

PRESS: Chupar del bote

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Salario de un parlamentario británico: 72.000 euros.
Miembros del Gobierno: entre 100.000 y 215.000 euros.

Otros ingresos:
Complemento libre de taxas: 26.000 euros.
Complemento personal: 110.000 euros.
Complemento para provisiones adicionales: 25.000 euros.

Además, los parlamentarios pasan los gastos de viajes y los derivados de su acción en su circunscripción.

Ingresos al dejar el escaño: 45.000 euros más una indemnización de entre 35.000 y 72.000 euros.

Con todo, el sueldo de un ministro: entre 222.000 y 280.000 euros.

Al final, con tanto complemento, se convierten en profesionales en la justificación de facturas privadas como públicas. Todo perfectamente regulado. Por ellos mismos.

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