PHOTOS: People have the power, Egypt

«The people want the fall of the regime»

«Leave, leave, leave»

«We want the murderer to be tried»

«Join us, join us»

«The army and people are united»

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vie, 4 feb 2011
‘Las pirámides’
El diario de más circulación: 1 millón de ejemplares.
Desde 1875
Mayor accionista: el gobierno.
Control del Ministerio de Información.
People have not the power.

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vie, 4 feb 2011
Independiente y privado.
Dar El Shrouk.Shorouk Press, desde 1978
Colaboraciones internacionales.
Farah Pahlavi, Jihan Sadat, Alan Greenspan, Michael Gorbachev, Kurt Waldheim, Eric Emmanuel-Schmitt, Ray Bradbury, Harper Lee, Herman Melville, Christian Jacq, Lawrence Durrell, Anton Chekhov, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, George Orwell, John
Steinbeck, Orhan Pamuk y Steven Weinberg.

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Al Masry Al Youm
vie, 4 feb 2011
Privado, desde 2004
Élite intelectual de El Cairo.
200.000 ejemplares.

PHOTO: Pietro Masturzo, World Press Photo 2009

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El jurado del World Press Photo (Ayperi Karabuda Ecer) destacó que ‘la foto es el principio de algo, el principio de una gran historia. Anade perspectiva a la noticia. Toca visualmente y emocionalmente y mi corazón sale a por ella inmediatamente’.

En el suplemento CRÓNICA (EL MUNDO) de este fin de semana, la periodista Catalina Gómez entrevista a Pietro Masturzo en Beirut: ‘Recuerdo que cuando vi a esas mujeres solas en esa terraza del sur de Teherán me sobrecogieron’.
‘Cuando oí los primeros gritos, en la noche de las elecciones, me dije enseguida que tenía que subir a la terraza a ver lo que pasaba’.
‘Esa noche supe que ésta iba a ser mi manera de contar las protestas’.
Masturzo no cree que ‘para contar una buena historia haya que arriesgar la vida. Muchas veces sólo hay que ser inteligente’.

Otras opiniones:

Fellow juror Guy Tillim commented: «The difficulty in photographing conflict situations is one of portraying the parallel lives involved, of people going on with their lives. This picture has made a very good attempt at marrying these two elements, in giving the conflict a context – and that is a holy grail of photography. The photographer does it with a very beautiful image of an Iranian landscape, which would be worth looking at in itself. But it also arouses our curiosity about the woman shouting – incorporating this moment, the importance of this historical event. It represents a very honest and successful attempt at taking forward our vocabulary of showing things.»

Juror Kate Edwards said: «The photo has a powerful sense of atmosphere, tension, fear – but also of quietness and calm, and in this sense was a challenge as a choice. We were looking for an image that drew you in, took you deeper, made you think more – not just about showing what we already know, but something that asks more of us.»

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