Orden de clasificación en tablas

Big Ten Conference Standings Board

Buscando soluciones gráficas para visualizar una clasificación de mayor a menor he encontrado esta tabla visual de USA Today Sports que resume y compara de forma contundente las diferentes conferencias de fútbol americano (Football Bowl Subdivision) según diferentes categorías en 2015.

Cómo se comportaron las conferencias con fútbol americano en 2015.
Cómo se comportaron las conferencias con fútbol americano en 2015.

The Power Rank ofrece otra manera visual de presentar la misma información. En el ejemplo que podemos ver un poco más abajo, se comparan las distintas conferencias según el promedio de clasificación de cada equipo.

Las mejores conferencias de fútbol universitario, 2013, The Power Rank.

GRAPHICS: Informe PISA 2009

Informe PISA

Cada tres años.

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009 Results:
What Students Know and Can Do Student Performance in Reading,Mathematics and Science.

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Las clasificaciones en lectura, matemáticas y ciencias.

• Around 470 000 students completed the assessment in 2009, representing about 26 million 15-year-olds in
the schools of the 65 participating countries and economies. Some 50 000 students took part in a second
round of this assessment in 2010, representing about 2 million 15 year-olds from 9 additional partner
countries and economies.
• Each participating student spent two hours carrying out pencil-and-paper tasks in reading, mathematics and
science. In 20 countries, students were given additional questions via computer to assess their capacity to
read digital texts.
• The assessment included tasks requiring students to construct their own answers as well as multiple-choice
questions. The latter were typically organised in units based on a written passage or graphic, much like the
kind of texts or figures that students might encounter in real life.
• Students also answered a questionnaire that took about 30 minutes to complete. This questionnaire focused
on their personal background, their learning habits, their attitudes towards reading, and their engagement
and motivation.
• School principals completed a questionnaire about their school that included demographic characteristics
and an assessment of the quality of the learning environment at school.

Corrigenda to OECD publications may be found on line at: www.oecd.org/publishing/corrigenda.
PISATM, OECD/PISATM and the PISA logo are trademaks of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
All use of OECD trademarks is prohibited without written permission from the OECD.
© OECD 2010

Angel Gurría
OECD Secretary-General

STATS: Bancos más seguros, Global Finance 2010

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Global Finance Magazine

2 de septiembre de 2010

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Global Finance is a monthly magazine founded in 1987 by publishing entrepreneurs Joseph Giarraputo and Carl Burgen. Giarraputo continues as Publisher and Editorial Director. Its mission is to help corporate leaders, bankers and investors chart the course of global business and finance.

Global Finance magazine has a circulation of 50,050, audited by BPA, and readers in 163 countries. Its headquarters is in New York, with offices in London, Rio de Janeiro and Milan. Global Finance’s audience includes Chairmen, Presidents, CEOs, CFOs, Treasurers and other senior financial officers responsible for making investment and strategic business decisions at multinational companies and financial institutions.

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