GRAPHIC GEMS: Popular Science, sin límite

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PHOTO: Dell compra el archivo de Magnum

Michael S. Dell ha comprado 185.000 fotografías del archivo de Magnum por 71.3 millones de euros. Magnum fue fundada en 1947 por Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, David «Chim» Seymour y George Rodger.

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Galería de imágenes.

About the Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin
The Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin is an internationally renowned humanities research library and museum that advances the study of the arts and humanities by acquiring, preserving, and making accessible original culture materials. With extensive collections of rare books, manuscripts, photography, film, art and the performing arts, the Center supports research through symposia and fellowships and provides education and enrichment for scholars, students, and the public through exhibitions and programs.

About Magnum Photos
Magnum Photos, founded by the forefathers of documentary photography – Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, David «Chim» Seymour and George Rodger – is a photographic co-operative of great diversity and distinction owned by its photographer-members. Since its inception in 1947, Magnum’s photographers collectively have chronicled the most significant historical and cultural milestones of the 20th Century. Today, through its offices in New York, London, Paris and Tokyo, Magnum provides photographs to the media, publishers, advertising agencies, galleries, and museums across the world. Its collections also form the basis of numerous exhibitions, multimedia presentations, and books. Additional information is available at

About MSD Capital, L. P.
Founded in 1998, MSD Capital is the private investment firm for Michael Dell and his family. The firm currently manages in excess of $10 billion in assets utilizing a multi-disciplinary investment strategy encompassing traditional private equity activities, real estate and investments in publicly-traded securities, in each case with the objective of building an investment portfolio focused on maximizing long-term capital appreciation. MSD Capital’s team of over 80 people operates from the firm’s offices in New York, Santa Monica and London. Additional information is available at


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PARES es el Portal de los Archivos Españoles gestionado por el Ministerio de Cultura para la difusión del Patrimonio Histórico Documental Español.

En el monumental catálogo se encuentran los archivos de la Corona de Aragón, el Histórico Nacional, el de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid, el General de Indias, los de la Administración, el de Simancas, el de la Nobleza, los proviciales de Guipúzcoa, Alava y Vizcaya y el Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica.

Entre sus proyectos destaca ‘Carteles de la Guerra Civil’, la biblioteca virtual de la Guerra de la Independencia, el ‘Archivo Rojo’ o el Catastro de la Ensenada, los cuales no necesitan presentación.

La imágenes están en formato JPEG File Interchange Format (jfif), reconocibles por Adobe Photoshop o Graphic Converter.

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