Jurado en la edición de 2017 INMA Global Media Awards, en la categoría ‘Mejor uso del móvil’ (Best Use of Mobile’).
Contest Coordinator: Raquel Meikle
Aquí los trabajos ganadores.

About INMA
The International News Media Association (INMA) is a global community of market-leading news media companies reinventing how they engage audiences and grow revenue in a multi-media environment. The INMA community consists of 8,000 executives at 600+ media companies in 80+ countries. Headquartered in Dallas, INMA has offices in Antwerp, New Delhi and San Salvador.
Judging Guidelines
INMA Global Media Awards 2017
As a judge in INMA Global Media Awards competition, you will see the world’s best marketing material produced by news media companies during the past year.
Media company executives submitted their entries via the internet to an online Entry Management System. You will judge pre-determined categories within this database. Please be aware that databases have their own set of rules (and this one is no different).
The judging deadline is Sunday, February 26.
To judge the INMA Global Media Awards, you need a good pair of eyes, a fresh mind, a little patience … and a few key technical requirements. These include:
• A fast connection to the Internet.
• 4-8 hours, which can be broken up and completed at your leisure.
• The latest versions of QuickTime, Windows Media Player, and Adobe
• Basic tools such as a web browser and the capability to view the following file types:
o PDF (images)
o JPEG (images)
o MP3
If you do not have these capabilities on your computer, please advise INMA. There is no other way to view the creative submissions. These formats are standard on most computers.
Judging is simple. First, log into the system using your login and password provided to you by e-mail.
Second, select your category from the drop down menu provided, which will then take you to the list of entries for that specific category and entry groups. Please note you must judge entries for both entry groups (Group 1 and Group 2) within your assigned category.
On the judging page, we ask you to take four actions:
1. Read the objectives and results.
2. View each creative campaign entered.
3. Score each entry.
4. Comment on each entry that you believe may merit award consideration.
You are being asked to score – on a scale of 1 to 50 – the overall quality of the concept, creativity, graphic design, production, and results of each marketing campaign.
Generally, scores are based on the following:
• 1-10 Fail
• 11-20 Poor
• 21-30 Average
• 31-40 Good
• 41-50 Great
You will score each entry along with at least two other judges. The entry with the highest score will be awarded first place, and the second- and third-highest scores will be awarded second- and third-place certificates.
To reiterate, you are judging within a Web-based database. This database is like all others with its own “unique” set of properties. Here are some helpful hints:
1. Can I change my scores and comments? Please be aware that you may go back and re-score or change your comments in any “scored” entry. “Scored” entries reside in the section labeled
“Entries you have judged.”
2. Can I jump among entry groups? Yes. You will be asked to judge two groups within a category – one for Local/Regional brands and one for National/Global brands. You may start with any group listed, but we recommend once you start judging a group you finish before moving to the next group. This will allow you to judge like-sized companies against similarly focused companies.
3. Can I take a break? You may stop judging at any time by logging out of the system. Please keep in mind the system will automatically time you out if there is no activity after an extensive amount of time. In both scenarios, simply return to the login page and type in your login and password. So long as you have hit the “Save Score” button, your entries will be saved for the next time you choose to judge. You have the option to judge in one sitting, or you may judge as many times as you like between February 12 and February 26. Please allow 4-8 hours to complete the judging process. Please don’t wait until the last minute to judge!
4. How do I navigate the database? There are only two pages for judging. Please click on the icons provided at the top of each page to navigate within the system.
5. When am I done? When you have completed all entry groups, you will either be prompted to judge your next pre-assigned category or go to the Conclusion page.
6. How do I judge a non-English entry? If the campaign objectives and results were not provided in English, INMA has endeavoured to translate them. It was strongly suggested in the Call For Entries that the judging would be conducted in English and providing a translation would assistjudges. If you have language-related questions beyond what is provided, please contact Raquel at awards@inma.org.
Entries are judged on the basis of concept, creativity, graphic design, production, and results:
1. Concept: Generally related to the objective of campaign. Was the idea compatible with the short- and long-term marketing goals? How does the idea rate with regard to peer entries, available resources, and the market situation?
2. Creativity: Given that an idea/concept can be expressed in many ways, does the campaign have creative impact? Does it work to stand out from other marketing? Does it compel the reader/audience to read/watch? Extra consideration should be given to creative problemsolving, not simply creative implementation.
3. Graphic design: Still related to the campaign’s objective and execution, are the graphics appealing and compelling to the reader? In focusing on the message, are the graphics ambiguous or clear? Do the graphics command attention?
4. Production: How does the production quality and professionalism rate as compared to other
work in the group? Are production techniques effective in the overall delivery of the message?
5. Results: Are there any applicable results of the campaign? Was the campaign pre-tested, posttested or tracked in some measurable form? Does the work achieve its stated objective(s)? If results are not provided, entries should be judged as nearly as possible to the stated objectives.
A campaign should not be rated highly if all other criteria are rated excellent and it fails in terms of its effectiveness.
This competition is not solely about excellent creative work. Rather, the competition rewards an entire process: setting appropriate goals, implementing the creative products, and meeting the stated objectives. Judges should also take into careful consideration whether the material has been produced by an agency or in-house.
Please be aware that at the top of each page within the judging system is the INMA Global Media Awards logo. By clicking on this logo, you will be directed to a Web site that provides “Categories,” “Entry Rules,” and “Helpful Tips” provided to news media executives entering the competition. We strongly recommend that you view these pages to ascertain the instructions given to participants.