Un esquema didáctico de La Celestina

La Celestina

Diagrama de personajes de La Celestina. 

Fernando de Rojas, 1499.


Ficha de la Comedia o Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea :

Su loca pasión por Melibea lleva a Calisto a romper todas las barreras morales y sociales y a aliarse con una vieja alcahueta. El destino de Calisto y Melibea, engarzado con habilidad insospechada por Celestina, culmina fatalmente con la muerte de ambos.

Desde el momento en que entra en escena, Celestina irrumpe no sólo en toda la obra, sino en toda la literatura, hasta convertirse en un personaje literario de fama universal. Reflejo de una sociedad conflictiva ─la española del siglo xv─ e intensa expresión de las más grandes pasiones humanas, Celestina resume y liquida la tradición medieval y abre las puertas a tiempos nuevos.



Diagrama de personajes de La Celestina.
Diagrama de personajes de La Celestina.



Esquema reducido de los principales personajes de La Celestina.
Esquema reducido de los principales personajes de La Celestina.


Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, Juan Jofre, Valencia,
Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, Juan Jofre, Valencia,

MAGS: Print Magazine, Cincinnati, OH

Print Magazine

Print is an iconic design and visual culture brand encompassing a venerated magazine, a website, premium book and e-book lines, and the Regional Design Annual, one of the most well-respected design competitions in the industry.
Founded in 1940, Print seeks to build a dialogue about design by detailing the intersections of art and culture. Rather than focusing on the how-to of design, the experts who write for Print cover the why—why the world of design looks the way it does, how it has evolved, and why the way it looks matters.
To fulfill its mission, Print focuses on a broad stroke of visual culture today, covering everything from publication design to interactive work, motion graphics, corporate branding, exhibitions, illustration and socially conscious design.
Print is sophisticated. Bold. Distinguished. Experienced. Savvy. The longest-running stateside graphic design publication, it has won five National Magazine Awards—the industry’s highest honor.
As the design world has evolved over the decades, Print has been right there with it, and will continue to evolve to bring its readers the best design writing from the most prominent authors, legends and critics in the field today. Print’s contributing editors and regular writers include such top design thinkers as Michael Dooley, Steven Heller, Claire Lui, Debbie Millman, Rick Poynor, Ellen Shapiro, Paul Shaw, Jude Stewart and Douglas Wolk.

2014 RDA: «Who the F#%K is Charlie Crist?» Miami New Times, Miami: Miche Ratto (art director/designer); Miami New Times (client)

Print magazine
10151 Carver Road, Suite # 200
Cincinnati, OH 45242

GRAPHICS: Infografía y literatura

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«La infografía proviene de información gráfica, es decir, pretende explicar con imágenes y no con palabras. Unas veces simulamos cosas que aún no existen (edificios, etc.), otras veces recreamos hechos (un accidente, una batalla, etc.) y otras, buscamos desentrañar el significado oculto de las cosas, hallar patrones de conducta como por ejemplo que cada x tiempo, una película de guerra gana el óscar y coincide con un gobierno tal. Ésta es la parte que a mí más me gusta. Para todo esto nos servimos de programas de ordenador y de elementos como flechas, tartas, barras, líneas de tiempo, dioramas, etc. Los esquemas realizados para ‘La virgen albanesa’ aúnan mis dos pasiones: infografía y literatura. La primera me da de comer y la segunda me da de soñar».

Isabel González, infografista de EL MUNDO, en el blog Taller y Escritura Creativa.

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El cuento y la infografía.

DESIGN GEMS: Chuck Jordan, 1927-2010

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Charles ‘Chuck’ Jordan
Un estilista de leyenda.
50 años en General Motors.
Desde 1986, vicepresidente de Diseño de General Motors.
Diseñó el Pontiac, Firebird III, Chevrolet Biscayne, Corvette, Cadillacs, …
Coches de ensueño.

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The 1956 Buick Centurion was the first car designed by Chuck Jordan, who would later become G.M.’s styling chief
Galería en NYT.

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Prototipos de Jordan.

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Prototipos de Jordan.

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PHOTOS: George Pickow, 1922-2010

El pasado 10 de diciembre falleció el fotógrafo y director de cine estadounidense George Pickow.
Los Angeles, 1922
Folk, Jazz, Pop.
Trabajó con Alan Lomax, historiador folk.
Newport Folk Festival 63-66 (Dylan, Muddy Watters, Woody Guthrie, Joan Baez, Johnny Cash, Peter, Paul and Mary…)
Louis Armstrong, Tony Bennett, Nina Simone, Little Richard, Dizzy Gillespie, Louis Jordan, Pete Seeger, Lena Horne, Josh White, Judy Collins…
Life Magazine, National Geographic, Cosmopolitan.
Cámara en los documentales y conciertos dirigidos por Alan Lomax.

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Oss Oss Wee Oss (1953)
Alan Lomax and Peter Kennedy
The South West Film & Television Archive collection holds many films illustrating the rich history of folklore, rural cultural heritage and tradition in the region. The May Day ‘Obby Oss’ (or hobby horse) tradition in Padstow has its origins in a spring fertility festival and is an annual custom that continues to this day. This celebration involving traditional song, dance and costume is a closely protected event and has rarely been filmed, however, the archive holds amateur filmed material from 1928 onwards, television footage from 1961 onwards and this unique footage dating from 1953. This documentary is unique in that the production team were allowed unparalleled access to the people involved in the event, capturing the music, dances, and folklore surrounding the tradition. The film was shot by Peter Kennedy, who from the 1950s has made hundreds of sound recordings, and later films, of regional folksongs, music, dancing, story telling, folklore events and customs around Britain and Ireland. Another example of his work in the South West is ‘Shanty Man’ (1950s), recording the work of the men of the Portland Stone quarries who used song and rhymes to help their work. The Archive holds moving image of virtually every folklore and cultural tradition in its area, including harvest rites (such as corn dollies), ship blessings, Helston Floral Day, the Cerne Abbas Giant, and midsummer eve bonfires. Folk music and dance particular to the South West region such as Dartmoor step dancing was recorded by both Westward Television and BBC South West from the 1960s onward and is now held in the Archive, and Broom dancing was also captured on film by Peter Kennedy. Amateur film maker Major Gill also made films illustrating the lives of people and communities in the South West region although he also focused on working practices and industry; both cottage and heavy.

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The Other Side of the Mirror: Bob Dylan Live at the Newport Folk Festival
Actors: Bob Dylan
Directors: Murray Lerner

Matched only by the Beatles and Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan continues to captivate music and pop culture fans with a seemingly never-ending stream of new and old recordings, books, documentaries, feature films, and more. The Other Side of the Mirror – Live at Newport Folk Festival 1963-1965 is a worthy addition to the canon; whether this 83-minute compilation will serve to illuminate the Dylan myth or merely perpetuate it is open to question, but without a doubt there’s plenty of fascinating material here. There are nearly 20 songs represented, covering three consecutive years of Dylan appearances at the famed Rhode Island festival. Some have been seen before (most recently in No Direction Home, Martin Scorsese’s 2005 Dylan doc, and in Festival, a Newport chronicle released on DVD that same year and directed by Murray Lerner, who is also responsible for The Other Side of the Mirror). Some are from Dylan’s daytime «workshops,» others from his nighttime main stage performances. Some are complete, others oddly truncated. Some are terrific (like «Chimes of Freedom,» 1964), others not so much (cf. the turgid «With God on Our Side» from ’63, with Joan Baez adding shrill harmony). In any case, these were the years when Dylan assumed the mantle of «spokesman of a generation,» whether he wanted it or not. We see him evolving from the earnest young protest singer of ’63 to the visionary artist of the following year who, with the astonishing torrent of rhymes, alliterations, symbols, and brilliant turns of phrase in «Chimes» and «Mr. Tambourine Man,» turned the whole notion of songwriting on its ear. And, of course, we also witness Dylan’s turn from acoustic to electric guitar, when he was joined onstage by members of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band (sans Butterfield himself) in 1965; only two songs from that legendary (and, at the time, infamous) gig are seen here, and viewed four decades after the fact, neither «Maggie’s Farm» nor «Like a Rolling Stone» is all that special, notwithstanding some searing solo work by guitarist Mike Bloomfield. The DVD package, which includes a bonus interview with Lerner and a nice booklet with liner notes by Tom Piazza, adds to the appeal of what has to rank as a must-have for Dylanologists of every stripe. –Sam Graham

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Jean Richie y Carl Sandburg

Ballads, Blues and Bluegrass1961
Director(s):Alan Lomax, George Pickow

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Folk Songs of The Southern Appalachians

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