PHOTOS: World Press Photo 2010

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54 edición.
World Press Photo
Jodi Bieber, Sudáfrica
Retrato de Bibi Aisha, Time Magazine

Her winning picture shows Bibi Aisha, an 18-year-old woman from Oruzgan province in Afghanistan, who fled back to her family home from her husband’s house, complaining of violent treatment. The Taliban arrived one night, demanding Bibi be handed over to face justice. After a Taliban commander pronounced his verdict, Bibi’s brother-in-law held her down and her husband sliced off her ears and then cut off her nose. Bibi was abandoned, but later rescued by aid workers and the American military. After time in a women’s refuge in Kabul, she was taken to America, where she received counseling and reconstructive surgery. Bibi Aisha now lives in the US.

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Portada del 1 de agosto.

PHOTOS: Caza Ching-Kuo, made in Taiwan

El nuevo caza de las Fuerzas Armadas de Taiwán.
24 millones de dólares.

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Ching-Kuo Indigenous Defence Fighter

Dimensions:Length 46ft 7.3inWidth30ft 10.78inHeight at Tail15ft 6inEngines:Turbofan Engines2 x TFE1042Thrust41.1KN maximum thrustWeapons:Integrated Avionics and Weapons Control System GunsA20mm M61A Vulcan cannonCameraPhoto-Sonics gun cameraShort-Range Air-to-Air MissilesTien Chien I (Skysword I)Medium-Range Air-to-Air MissilesTien Chien II (Skysword II )Anti-Ship MissilesHsiung Feng II Air-to-Surface MissilesMaverickOthersRocket pods
Cluster bombs
Featured Suppliers:

Data Device Corporation – Electronic Components for the Air Force and Military Markets
ISO Group – Spare Parts Logistics for Military Aircraft

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F-RS-2 Fighter

Con ayuda de EEUU (General Dynamics).
Similar a un F-16, un poco más pequeño.

MAPS: Agua en peligro, Nature

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Portada de Nature

The security of water supply for humans and the biodiversity of rivers are often seen as competing goals, but need that be the case? A new global-scale analysis of freshwater resources advances the field by considering threats to both river biodiversity (on the left on the cover) and to human water security, after accounting for investments in infrastructure and water services (right). The maps reveal that the world’s rivers are in a state of crisis. Achieving a sustainable solution to these problems, the authors say, will require strategies that jointly address water security for humans and biodiversity. COVER CREDIT: Stanley Glidden

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Amenazas a la biodiversidad.
El 80% de la población de la Tierra está expuesta al impacto de la falta de seguridad sobre el agua.

The maps demonstrate pandemic impacts on both human water security and biodiversity and are highly coherent, although not identical (biodiversity threat = 0.964 × human water security threat + 0.018; r = 0.97, P 

PRESS: Super filtración, WikiLeaks

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WikiLeaks ha soltado 75.000 informes secretos del ejército de EEUU en Afganistán (2004-2010).

The Guardian, The New York Times y Der Spiegel fueron los afortunados que recibieron directamente la información (WikiLeaks habla de ellos como socios informativos, ‘media partners’).

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The Guardian le dedica hoy la portada completa y 13 páginas más.

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Localización precisa de cada combate, amigo o enemigo.
The Guardian.

La verdad sobre Afganistán nunca fue tan bonita como nos la pintaron.

MAPS: Refugiados en África, HIU

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Mapa de los refugiados en África Subsahariana.
Diciembre de 2009-Junio de 2010
Humanitarian Information Unit.
US Department of State.

On the occasion of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) «World Refugee Day», June 20, these maps were created by INR’s Humanitarian Information Unit. This map illustrates the country of origin, and the destination country, for all current refugee populations in Sub-Saharan Africa greater than 1,000 persons in magnitude.

VIDEO: Al-Emara Jihadi Studio

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Al-Emara Jihadi Studio
El equipo multimedia de los talibanes.
Departamento de audio y video de la Comisión para Asuntos Culturales.
Emirato Islámico de Afganistán.

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Vídeos colgados en la página web islamista Ansar Aljihad Network.
Parte en abierto, parte con registro.
Se multiplica en varios ‘mirrors’ diseminados en la red.

‘Welcome to the Ansar Al-Mujahideen Network.
This is a virtual platform for the active sharing of islamic knowledge and information among Muslims.
Our members post and respond to a range of subjects and contributions regarding islam, muslims, jihad and the mujahideen’.

Página principal de As-Ansar.

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Han creado también la división de propaganda para Al-Andalus.
Al-Andalus Media Foundation.
‘Wonderful Video Release’

PHOTO: Terry Spencer, una vida de película

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Ayer falleció Terry Spencer (1918-2009), militar de la RAF y fotógrafo para Life con una vida de película. Piloto de Mustangs, Hurricanes y Spitfires. Tomado prisionero dos veces durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Batió el récord Guiness del salto más bajo en paracaídas.

Spencer cubrió para Life las guerras del Congo, Vietnam, Israel o Nigeria. Tomó más de 5.000 fotografías de The Beatles, una colección privada que vale su peso en oro.

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