STATS: Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland

Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland
Federal Statistical Office, Alemania.
2.700 empleados
Wiesbaden, Bonn, I-Punkt Berlin.

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Organigrama, estructura.
La división de gráficos y diseño depende de ‘Estrategia, planificación, relaciones internacionales, documentación y comunicación’.

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Los objetivos.

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Galería de aplicaciones interactivas.

Statistics on the internet:
user-friendly, interactive, free of charge
The number of five million page views per month confirms that the internet portal of the Federal Statistical Office has become the main source of statistical information. By extending the range of online publications and interactive applications in 2009, user access was improved. As more and more theme pages and press releases are linked with the database GENESIS-Online and with the range of international data, users find more quickly what they are looking for. The number of accesses to GENESISOnline in 2009 (about one million) was twice that of 2008: Free tables, a new navigation and a WebService for registered customers had a positive impact on demand.

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A new and innovative feature within the prices area is the price kaleidoscope, which is an interactive graphical application. The price development and the weighting of product groups in the consumer price index are visualised, so that the main origins of price increases or decreases are illustrated.

Price Kaleidoscope
The inflation rate in January 2010 was 0.8%. The rate of price increase does not only depend on how the prices change. Another important factor is the weights with which the price trends of the individual types of goods are included in the overall index.

The size of each section represents the weight. The colour shows how the prices
within that category of goods have changed.
Personal inflation calculator
© Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden / Michael Balzer, Universität Konstanz 2009
table vIewS In GeneSIS-OnlIne per year

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The STATmagazin, which is the Federal Statistical Office’s web magazine, has become
established as an element of the Office’s data supply. Short texts and charts that
are easy to understand, it provides information that is well-based in terms of statistics and deals with issues which are in the focus of public discussion. The trend in the number of free downloads from the publication service is positive: More than 100,000 free publications were downloaded every month in 2009 – with topics focusing most frequently on demographic change as well as producer and consumer prices.

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Since May 2009, the Federal Statistical Office, together with the statistical offices of the Länder, has offered a new interactive regional atlas with over 80 indicators at The visualisation of the statistics is based on data of all rural districts and towns not attached to an administrative district in Germany.
Regional differences – for example with regard to economic power, internal migration or employment – can be seen at a glance.

GRAPHICS: La recesión se termina, en Augusta

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Ben Shalom Bernanke, presidente de la Reserva Federal de EEUU, afirmó ayer que ‘la recesión probablemente ha terminado’. Bernanke fue criticado por ser demasiado académico y lento en sus pasos para atajar la crisis actual y ha liderado los planes de ayuda de Obama.

1. Las previsiones de la OCDE

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España es el país que más empleo a destruido desde enero de 2008 hasta hoy: casi un 9% de la fuerza laboral.
Informe de la OCDE, 3 de septiembre de 2009.

2. Las previsiones de la Comisión Europea

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La Comisión Europea predice una recuperación en el último cuarto de 2009, pero el PIB caerá un 4% en la zona euro en el total anual.

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España finalizará el año 2009 con decrecimiento del PIB, un -0,2% en el último cuatrimestre y un -3,7% en el año.
Interim Forecast, EC, 14 de septiembre de 2009

3. Las previsiones de Standar & Poor’s

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El informe dado a conocer el pasado 14 de septiembre por Standar & Poor’s pone de relieve que la crisis en Europa se va a prolongar. Sobre estas líneas el titular general, muy expresivo.

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Según Standar & Poor’s, el PIB español no crece en 2010 (-0,6%). La inflación remonta un poco hasta el 0,8% y el desempleo se sitúa en el 21%.

4. Las previsiones del FMI

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El Fondo Monetario Internacional advierte hoy mismo:
Los gobiernos necesitan un plan para deshacerse de los productos tóxicos y alejar el riesgo. ¿No tienen un plan? Los G20, ¿sirven para algo?

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Estas son las últimas previsiones del FMI, la revisión de julio.
España no crece ni en 2009 ni en 2010.

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