Tipografía a mano

Esta semana me ha tocado bucear en el universo de la tipografía realizada a mano.  Detrás de muchas de ellas hay gigantes ilustradores. Un mundo sin límites. Lápiz, goma y papel. ¿Vintage? ¿Retro? Lo clásico siempre será moderno.
Estas son algunas muestras que me han dejado helado.


Manchester, UK
TYPEFACE Film poster N02
Karl Kwasny, NY, USA
The Devil I Know
Norwegina Wood Type
Crysp Creative, Chicago
Estocolmo, Suecia
Andrew Power, Nwefoundland, Canadá
Dinara Mirtalipova, Uzbekistán
Genial, gran talento.
El inimitable e inigualable Ralph Steadman.
Debéis ver este estupendo vídeo.
Algunos lugares para tomar aire:

BOOKS: Just My Type, A Book about Fonts

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Product Description
What’s your type? Suddenly everyone’s obsessed with fonts. Whether you’re enraged by Ikea’s Verdanagate, want to know what the Beach Boys have in common with easy Jet or why it’s okay to like Comic Sans, «Just My Type» will have the answer. Learn why using upper case got a New Zealand health worker sacked. Refer to Prince in the Tafkap years as a Dingbat (that works on many levels). Spot where movies get their time periods wrong and don’t be duped by fake posters on eBay. Simon Garfield meets the people behind the typefaces and along the way learns why some fonts – like men – are from Mars and some are from Venus. From type on the high street and album covers, to the print in our homes and offices, Garfield is the font of all types of knowledge.

About the Author
Simon Garfield writes for the Observer about science, health and the arts. He is a former editor of Time Out, and his book The End of Innocence won the Somerset Maugham Prize. He has written and edited twelve books, including the bestselling Mass Observation diaries.

Product Details
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Profile Books Ltd (October 21, 2010)
ISBN-10: 1846683017
ISBN-13: 978-1846683015
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.8 x 1.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

Just My Type is a book of stories about fonts. It examines how Helvetica and Comic Sans took over the world. It explains why we are still influenced by type choices made more than 500 years ago, and why the T in the Beatles logo is longer than the other letters. It profiles the great originators of type, from Baskerville to Zapf, as well as people like Neville Brody who threw out the rulebook. The book is about that pivotal moment when fonts left the world of Letraset and were loaded onto computers, and typefaces became something we realized we all have an opinion about. And beyond all this, the book reveals what may be the very best and worst fonts in the world – and what your choice of font says about you.

TYPE: Hoefler & Frere-Jones, NY

Desde 1989, Jonathan Hoefler (presidente) y Tobias Frere-Jones (director de tipografía).
Rolling Stone, Harper´s Bazaar, The New York Times Magazine, Sport Illustrated, Esquire, Business 2.0, The Wall Street Journal…
Hoefler & Frere-Jones, Inc.
611 Broadway, Room 728
New York, NY 10012-2608

Tel. 212 777 6640
Fax 212 777 6684

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Familia Tungsten

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STREETS: Matrículas francesas vs Elvis

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El Ministerio de Interior de Francia cambia el sistema de matriculación.

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Las antiguas matrículas
Hasta ahora la matrícula se componía de 8 caracteres, organizados en tres tramos: De uno a cuatro números, de una a tres letras y dos números finales. Blancas en la parte frontal y amarillas en la parte trasera.

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Las nuevas matrículas
Una identificación está ligada al coche (dos letras, luego tres números y finalmente dos letras) y otra al departamento, con su logo propio. Como en España, Italia, Reino Unido… Para todos los vehículos nuevos a partir del 15 de abril y desde el 15 de junio para los de ocasión.

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Matrícula Elvis
The Tupelo Elvis Presley Fan Club ha presentado este diseño de matrícula que se podrá usar en Mississippi. ¿Para qué tanto follón de números? ¿Una de Los Brincos?

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