STATS: Objetivo del Milenio, 0,7%

The Global Partnership for Development at a Critical Juncture
Desde 2000, objetivos del Milenio.
MDG Gap Task Force Report 2010
United Nations

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Resumen de la ayuda al desarrollo, 2004-2009

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Los receptores, 2000-2008

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Asistencia al desarrollo, 2009
España: 6.570 millones de dólares, los sextos.
Canadá (-10%), Alemania(-12%), Italia (-31%) y Japón (-11%) son países que han reducido su ayuda con respecto al año anterior.

Donaciones totales en 2009: 120.000 millones de dólares (0,3% por país donante).
Objetivo 2015: 0,7%, 300.000 millones de dólares.

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En porcentaje del PIB, 2009
España: 0,46%, puesto 12.

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Los objetivos.

The United Nations Millennium Declaration called on the industrialized countries
to grant more generous development assistance, especially to those countries
that are genuinely making an effort to apply their resources to poverty
reduction.1 This two-track strategy of increasing aid volumes and making aid
more effective in generating poverty reduction and meeting the other Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) has characterized much of international
policy on official development assistance (ODA) since the beginning of the

United Nations publication
Sales No. E.10.I.12
ISBN 978-92-1-101224-8
© Copyright United Nations, 2010
All rights reserved

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