PRESS: Fin de Mubarak, Egipto

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Al-Ahram, Egipto
Sábado, 12 de febrero

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Al Masry Al Youm, Egipto
Sábado, 12 de febrero

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Sábado, 12 de febrero, Egipto

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Au Fait, Marruecos
Lunes 14 de febrero

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Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel
Domingo, 13 de febrero

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Domingo, 13 de febrero

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Gulf News, Emiratos Árabes
Sábado, 13 de febrero

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Jerusalem Post, Israel
Domingo, 13 de febrero

PHOTOS: Al Jazeera, Doha

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Impresionante redacción y plató de Al Jazeera en Doha.
Noticias en inglés por satélite.

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Al Jazeera.

Code of Ethics

View our internationally recognised Code of Ethics.

Being a globally oriented media service, Al Jazeera shall adopt the following code of ethics in pursuance of the vision and mission it has set for itself:

1. Adhere to the journalistic values of honesty, courage, fairness, balance, independence, credibility and diversity, giving no priority to commercial or political over professional consideration.

2. Endeavour to get to the truth and declare it in our dispatches, programmes and news bulletins unequivocally in a manner which leaves no doubt about its validity and accuracy.

3. Treat our audiences with due respect and address every issue or story with due attention to present a clear, factual and accurate picture while giving full consideration to the feelings of victims of crime, war, persecution and disaster, their relatives and our viewers, and to individual privacies and public decorum.

4. Welcome fair and honest media competition without allowing it to affect adversely our standards of performance and thereby having a «scoop» would not become an end in itself.

5. Present the diverse points of view and opinions without bias and partiality.

6. Recognise diversity in human societies with all their races, cultures and beliefs and their values and intrinsic individualities so as to present unbiased and faithful reflection of them.

7. Acknowledge a mistake when it occurs, promptly correct it and ensure it does not recur.

8. Observe transparency in dealing with the news and its sources while adhering to the internationally established practices concerning the rights of these sources.

9. Distinguish between news material, opinion and analysis to avoid the snares of speculation and propaganda.

10. Stand by colleagues in the profession and give them support when required, particularly in the light of the acts of aggression and harassment to which journalists are subjected at times. Cooperate with Arab and international journalistic unions and associations to defend freedom of the press.

PRESS: Fraude electoral

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Al Masry Al Youm
Lunes, 29 de noviembre.

No se entinede nada, pero se ve muy bien.
Fraude electoral en las elecciones legislativas de Egipto (507 diputados).
Papeletas marcadas a favor del PND, el partido de Hosni Mubarak.
En el poder desde 1981.
Violencia detenciones y acoso.
Participación: 15%-25%

La alternativa era el ilegalizado grupo de los Hermanos Musulmanes.

3D: Park51 Community Center, Nueva York

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Recreación visual de Park51 Community Center.

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En la ‘Zona Cero’
Nueva York.

‘When our city was attacked on Sept. 11, Muslim New Yorkers were attacked, too. Scores of Muslim Americans perished, both in the attacks and as first responders. Hundreds of Muslims serve in our Police and Fire departments. Many Muslims are fighting alongside their fellow Americans in our armed forces’.

‘Cordoba House
We’re all about multiple points of entry, offering programming in the areas of arts and culture, education and recreation. Within that larger vision, Cordoba House will be a center for multifaith dialogue and engagement within Park51′s broader range of programs and activities. Cordoba House will be developing under the leadership of Imam Feisal Abdul-Rauf’.

All renderings © 2010 SOMA Architects, all rights reserved.

ILLUS: ‘The 99’, super héroes del mundo árabe

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El cómic ‘The 99’ es el primero que ilustra a un héroe del mundo musulmán.

Hace cientos de años, en 1258, Bagdad cayó en manos de las fuerzas del mongol Hulagu Kahn, quien construyó la mayor biblioteca cultural del la historia. Una solución sólida contiene toda la información recogida en los libros, 99 gemas con poderes mágicos, que fueron perdidas y llevadas a Andalucía, donde transcurre la mayor parte de la historia.

Rughal es el superhéroe que intenta absorber toda la información contenida en las piedras…

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