GRAPHICS: MicroRNA biogénesis

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El ácido ribonucleico.
Vital en la síntesis de proteínas (producción de las proteínas que necesita la célula para sus actividades y su desarrollo.

Regulation of microRNA biogenesis,
function and degradation
Jacek Krol, Inga Loedige and Witold Filipowicz

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a large family of post-transcriptional regulators of gene
expression that are ~21-nucleotides in length and control many developmental and
cellular processes in eukaryotes. The implication of miRNAs in many disease processes
also makes them important potential targets for therapy. Research during the last
decade has identified many of the components that participate in miRNA biogenesis
and has established basic principles of miRNA function1. More recently, it has become
apparent that miRNA regulators themselves are subject to sophisticated control. Many
studies over the last few years have reported the regulation of miRNA biogenesis,
function and degradation by a range of mechanisms involving numerous proteinprotein
and protein-RNA interactions2. Such regulation has an important role in the
context-specific functions of miRNAs and an understanding of this control is needed
to gain a full picture of the roles of miRNAs in development, physiology and disease.

MAPS: Agua en peligro, Nature

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Portada de Nature

The security of water supply for humans and the biodiversity of rivers are often seen as competing goals, but need that be the case? A new global-scale analysis of freshwater resources advances the field by considering threats to both river biodiversity (on the left on the cover) and to human water security, after accounting for investments in infrastructure and water services (right). The maps reveal that the world’s rivers are in a state of crisis. Achieving a sustainable solution to these problems, the authors say, will require strategies that jointly address water security for humans and biodiversity. COVER CREDIT: Stanley Glidden

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Amenazas a la biodiversidad.
El 80% de la población de la Tierra está expuesta al impacto de la falta de seguridad sobre el agua.

The maps demonstrate pandemic impacts on both human water security and biodiversity and are highly coherent, although not identical (biodiversity threat = 0.964 × human water security threat + 0.018; r = 0.97, P 

GRAPHICS: Planetas

Los astrónomos descubren un planeta rico en agua.
GJ 1214b, una ‘super Tierra’, con un radio 2,7 veces mayor que nuestro planeta y a 42años luz.

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Nature, 17 de diciembre de 2009
Gráfico que compara el radio y la masa de los planetas.
Escala horizontal: masa del planeta (escala geométrica)
Escala vertical: radio del planeta (escala aritmética)
Los planetas del sistema solar se representan como diamantes negros.

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Gráfico de The New York times.

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Gráfico de Nature explicando la composición.

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Recreación realizada por el Centro de Astrofísica de Harvard-Smithsonian.
Por David A. Aguilar, CfA
La tierra comparada con el nuevo planeta.

GRAPHICS: Formación del mar Mediterráneo, CSIC

Reconstrucciones de cómo era el Estrecho de Gibraltar y el Mediterráneo hace seis millones de años.
Se secó y quedó aislado hasta que se abrió el Estrecho y entró el agua del Atlántico. En dos años estaba lleno.

Estudio del CSIC

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Recreación de Roger Pibernat.

Publicado en Nature.

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Mapa geológico del Estrecho.

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Erosión del canal
Descripción técnica.

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Evolución de las inundaciones

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