GRAPHICS: El asesinato de John Lennon

Dirección creativa y de documental del gráfico sobre la muerte de John Lennon.
El 8 de diciembre de 2010 se cumplían 30 años del asesinato del músico de Liverpool a consecuencia de los cinco disparos efectuados por Mark David Chapman en la entrada del edificio donde residía, el Edificio Dakota. Lennon acababa de regresar del estudio de grabación Record Plant Studio con su esposa, Yoko Ono.

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Boceto rápido, estudio de la perspectiva.

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Vista isométrica, Juan de Dios Tenorio.

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Perspectiva cenital, Juan de Dios Tenorio

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Acabado de la entrada del Dakota, Juan de Dios Tenorio.

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Primera puesta en página, por Alfonso Everlet.

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Aclarado de colores.

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Infografía final.

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El Mundo, sábado 4 de diciembre

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Versión internet, por Miguel Nuño.

GRAPHICS: 8 de diciembre de 1980, NYC

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Día del suceso, por la mañana.

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La muerte de John Lennon
8 de diciembre de 1980, NYC.
Recreación de la policía.

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Croquis del asesinato de Lennon.
Astucia Report.
Versión oficial.

Lennon (1) gets out of limousine. Yoko Ono (4) got out seconds earlier and is about 35 feet ahead. Chapman (2) waits at the entrance under the archway. As Lennon walks by (3), Chapman fires. Ono (5) is in the lobby when Lennon is shot. Lennon staggers about 30 feet to the concierge stand (6) in the lobby where he falls, fatally wounded.

(Note: The dimensions shown in Exhibit B are close approximations based on first-hand observation and painstaking analyses of photographs taken; however, it must be noted that the Dakota’s security people would not allow me to walk inside the entrance and take precise measurements.)

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Esquema en The New York Times.

(6) A diagram published in the New York Times on Dec. 10, 1980 shows Chapman standing behind Lennon, to his right. The accompanying caption reads as follows:

…Mr. Lennon and Yoko Ono left their car (1), while the assailant (2) waited inside the arch. As they walked by (3), he fired. Mr. Lennon staggered up into a room (4) where he fell, fatally wounded.

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Mark David Chapman.

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Lennon firmando un autógrafo para Chapman, 12 de agosto de 1980.

Lennon signing an autograph for Chapman (12/8/80), whose preoccupation
with Lennon had begun just months before the murder.

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La entrada al Dakota.
Escena del crimen.

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Planta del Dakota.

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El revólver del 38 y los casquillos.

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Certificado de muerte.

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Las huellas, registradas cuando pidió la ciudadanía estadounidense en 1976.

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The FBI files.
The FBI assembled around 300 pages of files on John Lennon in 1971-72, part of President Nixon’s effort to deport Lennon to silence him as a critic of the war in Vietnam.

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Después el asesinato.

John Lennon was shot dead by Mark Chapman outside the Dakota building, where the former Beatle lived in New York. Crowds gathered outside to pay tribute.

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La vigilia.
December 1980: Fans of John Lennon holding a vigil after he was shot dead by a fan on December 8th at his home in New York. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

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The Green Card
John Lennon’s United States Resident Alien Visa (Green Card) c. 1976. When John Lennon’s temporary visa expired in Feb. 1972, the Nixon administration sought to have him deported, citing a 1968 conviction for the possession of marijuana. After a four-year battle, Lennon finally won the right to stay in the U.S.. In 1983, a lawsuit was brought against the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act to release its files on Lennon, which document the Bureau’s role in the Nixon administration’s attempt to stop Lennon’s anti-war campaign before the 1972 election. Photo:David Behl/©Yoko Ono

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Nashville Banner.

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Yoko, LA Times.

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LA Times.

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Daily Mirror.

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Portada de Newsweek.

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World Daily News

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News Standard

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New York Post

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La conspiración en cómic, MackWhite.

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Portada del primer Rolling Stone.
9 de noviembre de 1967

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Rolling Stone, enero de 1981

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Infografía de Beatriz Santacruz en EL MUNDO con motivo del 25 aniversario.
7 de diciembre de 2005

Vídeo de la noticia, ABC News.

La reacción de Reagan.

Reconstrucción del asesinato.

COMICS: Política surrealista

¡Estamos salvados!
Spiderman y Superman nos sacarán de la crisis.

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Mike Bloomberg, alcalde de Nueva York
Ficha a Spiderman para luchar contra el paro.

Lástima que el Hombre Araña muera en el próximo número de febrero.

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Juventudes Socialistas de Catalunya

El increíble hombre normal.

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Obama también fue un superhéroe para salvar al mundo.
Capitán Obama.

Para vídeo, éste.

BOOKS: Gray Lady Down, William McGowan

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Gray Lady Down
William McGowan
What The Decline and Fall of TNYT means for America.

Hardcover: 300 pages
Publisher: Encounter Books (November 16, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1594034869
ISBN-13: 978-1594034862

Product Description
The New York Times was once considered the gold standard in American journalism and the most trusted news organization in America. Today, it is generally understood to be a vehicle for politically correct ideologies, tattered liberal pieties, and a repeated victim of journalistic scandal and institutional embarrassment.

In Gray Lady Down, the hard-hitting follow up to Coloring the News, William McGowan asks who is responsible for squandering the finest legacy in American journalism. Combining original reporting, critical assessment and analysis, McGowan exposes the Times’ obsessions with diversity, «soft» pop cultural news, and countercultural Vietnam-era attitudinizing, and reveals how these trends have set America’s most important news icon at odds with its journalistic mission—and with the values and perspectives of much of mainstream America.

Gray Lady Down considers the consequences—for the Times, for the media, and, most important, for American society and its political processes at this fraught moment in our nation’s history. In this highly volatile media environment, the fate of the Times may portend the future of the fourth estate.


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Coloring the News: How Political Correctness Has Corrupted American Journalism
William McGowan

Paperback: 262 pages
Publisher: Encounter Books; 1 edition (May 1, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1893554600
ISBN-13: 978-1893554603
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 6 x 0.9 inches

From Publishers Weekly
In a book likely to spark controversy, and with the relentlessness of a prosecutor, McGowan (Only Man Is Vile: The Tragedy of Sri Lanka), a fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute, presents case after case in which, he contends, reporters and editors got stories wrong or ignored topics worthy of coverage because of their liberal ideologies and their fear of offending African-Americans, gays or feminists. (In many cases, he says, the journalists later admitted their own timidity.) Both in hiring practices and story coverage, multicultural journalism is «oversimplifying complicated issues» and «undermining the spirit of public cooperation and trust,» McGowan writes. On race, he points to what he calls «soft» coverage of Washington, D.C., mayor Marion Barry and Rev. Louis Farrakhan’s Million Man March. But some of his arguments are inflammatory. Lumping «Gay and Feminist Issues» together in one chapter, he compares the coverage of the Matthew Shepard murder and that of another murder by two gay pedophiles in light of what he calls «the sanctity of the gays-as-victims script.» McGowan also cites biases in reporting on the abortion issue, attributing them to the fact that over 80% of journalists surveyed say they are pro-choice. Detractors will note that journalists rarely cover issues without biases, and that it’s unlikely that journalists of the past covered most causes including the 1960s struggle for civil rights that McGowan holds up as a model for race relations in the United States with the objectivity he trumpets. Skeptics of multiculturalism will love this book, and lefties will love to hate it. (Nov. 15)Forecast: Encounter Books knows how to reach its conservative audience. More generally, this will generate controversy among media mavens.


William McGowan is the author of «Coloring the News: How Crusading for Diversity has Corrupted American Journalism.»

William McGowan is the author of Only Man Is Vile: The Tragedy of Sri Lanka (Farrar, Straus & Giroux). He has reported for Newsweek International and the BBC and has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, Columbia Journalism Review and other national publications. A regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal, he is currently a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. He lives in New York City.

MAGS: The Paris Review

The Paris Review
Nueva York
Revista literaria
Fundada en París en 1953
‘Dear Reader’
Editor Lorin Stein
Managing Editor Nicole Rudick
40$ año

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Michel Houellebecq and Norman Rush on the art of fiction.

New fiction by Lydia Davis, Sam Lipsyte, and newcomer April Ayers Lawson.

Essays by John Jeremiah Sullivan and J. D. Daniels, poems by Frederick Seidel, art from Tauba Auerbach, and more.

3D: Park51 Community Center, Nueva York

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Recreación visual de Park51 Community Center.

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En la ‘Zona Cero’
Nueva York.

‘When our city was attacked on Sept. 11, Muslim New Yorkers were attacked, too. Scores of Muslim Americans perished, both in the attacks and as first responders. Hundreds of Muslims serve in our Police and Fire departments. Many Muslims are fighting alongside their fellow Americans in our armed forces’.

‘Cordoba House
We’re all about multiple points of entry, offering programming in the areas of arts and culture, education and recreation. Within that larger vision, Cordoba House will be a center for multifaith dialogue and engagement within Park51′s broader range of programs and activities. Cordoba House will be developing under the leadership of Imam Feisal Abdul-Rauf’.

All renderings © 2010 SOMA Architects, all rights reserved.

PHOTO: WTC, en seis años

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Recración del proyecto de Silverstein Properties.
Image credit: dbox
Courtesy of: Silverstein Properties
Taken: September 07, 2010
This image appears in the WTC Renderings set in the The Vision gallery
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Recreación de día.
Image credit: dbox
Courtesy of: Silverstein Properties
Taken: September 09, 2008

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La torre comienza a subir.
2010 era la fecha para su inauguración.
Al complejo le quedan 6 años.

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Agosto de 2010

Image credit: Joe Woolhead
Courtesy of: Silverstein Properties, Inc.
Taken: August 05, 2010

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