WWW: Big Society Network, acción en la red

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Mancheta de Big Society Network, Uk.


The Big Society is a society in which individual citizens feel big: big in terms of being supported and enabled; having real and regular influence; being capable of creating change in their neighbourhood. Does our society pass this test at the moment?

Well, only 4 out of 10 of us believe that we can influence local decisions. Only 1 in 33 of us attend public meetings. We feel anger and frustration at the recent behaviour of both the City and Westminster and relatively powerless to change them. We are often anonymous tax-payers without a real sense of how our money gets spent. Most of us try to be reasonably good citizens but our influence seems very small.

The Big Society is a powerful vision to change this, creating a nation of empowered citizens and communities. It has been articulated by Prime Minister David Cameron, but is linked to some of the best ideas across the political spectrum.

We believe that by working in partnership with communities, businesses, charities and foundations and statutory bodies we can generate innovative solutions which can strengthen local neighbourhoods.

Big Society Network is a not for profit group who aim to help organisations deliver the practical benefits of civic engagement.
© 2011 Big Society Network

GRAPHICS: How to Run The World, Parag Khanna

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En el libro How to Run The World: Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance
Parag Khana

The world is entering a perfect storm of calamities: a great game for scarce natural resources, financial instability, environmental stress, and failing states. In some respects, it isn’t far off from that medieval landscape of almost a millennium ago. It is a multi-polar, multi-civilizational world in which every empire, city-state, multi-national corporation or mercenary army is out for itself. Esteemed adventurer-scholar Parag Khanna’s How to Run the World is a bold account of our current global chaos and a road-map for creating a truly resilient and stable world.

Parag Khanna is a leading geo-strategist, world traveler and author. Presently a Senior Research Fellow at the New America Foundation, he is author of the international best-sellers How to Run the World: Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance (2011) and The Second World: Empires and Influence in the New Global Order (2008). In 2008, Parag was named one of Esquire’s «75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century,» and one of fifteen individuals featured in WIRED magazine’s «Smart List.»

Visto en Periodistas21

MAPS: Facebook y Mark Zuckerberg

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Visualización de las relaciones de amistad en Facebook.

Por Paul Butler, ingeniero de la red social.

‘Visualizing data is like photography. Instead of starting with a blank canvas, you manipulate the lens used to present the data from a certain angle.

When the data is the social graph of 500 million people, there are a lot of lenses through which you can view it. One that piqued my curiosity was the locality of friendship. I was interested in seeing how geography and political borders affected where people lived relative to their friends. I wanted a visualization that would show which cities had a lot of friendships between them.

I began by taking a sample of about ten million pairs of friends from Apache Hive, our data warehouse. I combined that data with each user’s current city and summed the number of friends between each pair of cities. Then I merged the data with the longitude and latitude of each city.

At that point, I began exploring it in R, an open-source statistics environment. As a sanity check, I plotted points at some of the latitude and longitude coordinates. To my relief, what I saw was roughly an outline of the world. Next I erased the dots and plotted lines between the points. After a few minutes of rendering, a big white blob appeared in the center of the map. Some of the outer edges of the blob vaguely resembled the continents, but it was clear that I had too much data to get interesting results just by drawing lines. I thought that making the lines semi-transparent would do the trick, but I quickly realized that my graphing environment couldn’t handle enough shades of color for it to work the way I wanted.

Instead I found a way to simulate the effect I wanted. I defined weights for each pair of cities as a function of the Euclidean distance between them and the number of friends between them. Then I plotted lines between the pairs by weight, so that pairs of cities with the most friendships between them were drawn on top of the others. I used a color ramp from black to blue to white, with each line’s color depending on its weight. I also transformed some of the lines to wrap around the image, rather than spanning more than halfway around the world.

After a few minutes of rendering, the new plot appeared, and I was a bit taken aback by what I saw. The blob had turned into a surprisingly detailed map of the world. Not only were continents visible, certain international borders were apparent as well. What really struck me, though, was knowing that the lines didn’t represent coasts or rivers or political borders, but real human relationships. Each line might represent a friendship made while travelling, a family member abroad, or an old college friend pulled away by the various forces of life.

Later I replaced the lines with great circle arcs, which are the shortest routes between two points on the Earth. Because the Earth is a sphere, these are often not straight lines on the projection.

When I shared the image with others within Facebook, it resonated with many people. It’s not just a pretty picture, it’s a reaffirmation of the impact we have in connecting people, even across oceans and borders’.

Paul is an intern on Facebook’s data infrastructure engineering team.

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Personaje del año, Time

Mark Zuckerberg
For connecting more than half a billion people and mapping the social relations among them; for creating a new system of exchanging information; and for changing how we all live our lives, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is TIME’s 2010 Person of the Year

GRAPHICS: Personal Data Ecosystem, FTC

Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change
Federal Trade Commission
Diciembre de 2010

Peligro en la red.

– if you browse for products and services online, advertisers might collect and share information about your activities, including your searches, the websites you visit, and the content you view;

– if you participate in a social networking site, third-party applications are likely to have access to the information you or your friends post on the site;

– if you use location-enabled smartphone applications, multiple entities might have access to your precise whereabouts;

– if you use loyalty cards at a grocery store or send in a product warranty card, your name, address, and information about your purchase may be shared with data brokers and combined with other data.

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El ecositema de los datos personales.

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Los coleccionistas de datos.

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Ejemplos de cómo se usa la información personal.

ADS: RapLeaf, personalización y cookies

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‘Personalize your custormers´ experiences’
Auren Hoffman, CEO
Publicidad, marketing
San Francisco, startup
Personalización de servicios y publicidad a través de ‘cookies’ y direcciones IP.
Estudios sobre el perfil y el interés de la audiencia.

Cookies 101
La información la consiguen en las redes sociales (Facebook, My Space, Flickr, Linkedin…)
Segmenta la audiencia de acuerdo a los intereses personales.
Criticas al método:
– La publicidad en la red debería ser regulada
– Las direcciones IP deberían ser protegidas legalmente.

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Estudio sobre los fans
de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol realizado con la información obtenida de Twitter.

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Análisis de fans musicales por edades analizando las preferencias de los usuarios en la red.

Cláusulas del servicio.

667 Mission Street, 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105

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Gráfico de The Wall Street Journal

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Gráfico interactivo, WSJ

BOOKS: John Atanasoff, el hombre que inventó la computadora

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The Man Who Invented The Computer

Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Doubleday (October 19, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0385527136
ISBN-13: 978-0385527132
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 6 x 1.2 inches

Hamilton, New York, 4 de octubre de 1903
Maryland el 15 de junio de 1995

From Publishers Weekly
Novelist Smiley explores the story of the now mostly forgotten Atanasoff, a brilliant and engaged physicist and engineer who first dreamed of and built a computational machine that was the prototype for the computer. With her dazzling storytelling, Smiley narrates the tale of a driven young Iowa State University physics professor searching for a way to improve the speed and accuracy of mathematical calculations. In 1936, Atanasoff and his colleague, A.E. Brandt, modified an IBM tabulator–which used punched cards to add or subtract values represented by the holes in the cards–to get it to perform in a better, faster, and more accurate way. One December evening in 1937, Atanasoff, still struggling to hit upon a formula that would allow a machine to replicate the human brain, drove from Ames, Iowa, to Rock Island, Ill., where, over a bourbon and soda in a roadside tavern, he sketched his ideas for a machine that would become the computer. As with many scientific discoveries or inventions, however, the original genius behind the innovation is often obscured by later, more aggressive, and savvy scientists who covet the honor for themselves. Smiley weaves the stories of other claimants to the computer throne (Turing and von Neumann, among others) into Atanasoff’s narrative, throwing into relief his own achievements. (Oct.) (c)

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Diagrama del prototipo.

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La computadora de Atanasoff.

WWW: Newspaper Matters

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‘El eslabón perdido entre los periódicos y tú’
La última de PLÁCIDO MORENO.

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Herramienta donde los usuarios comparten la información.
Pueden subir artículos que llaman la atención, comentarlos…

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Ecosistema de comentarios.
De momento, sin contenidos.
Recién parido.
Suerte amigo.


Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

¿Quiénes somos?
El titular de la plataforma Newspaper Matters a la que se accede a través de la dirección de Internet: www.newspapermatters.org es la Fundación Newspaper Matters, constituida en 2010 y con sede en Ámsterdam (Países Bajos) con dirección de correo electrónico de contacto: information[at]newspapermatters.org
¿Qué es Newspaper Matters?
Newspaper Matters es una plataforma online que promueve el análisis crítico de contenidos publicados en los periódicos desde la perspectiva de la Ética Periodística (Responsabilidad, Precisión, Integridad e Independencia) como estándares de aplicación global para el desempeño del periodismo de calidad.

Newspaper Matters pretende generar una masa crítica de análisis de artículos realizados por lectores cualificados de periódicos tradicionales. Estos análisis están basados en el conocimiento del tema, aportación de evidencias, profunda reflexión y en la participación ciudadana. Newspaper Matters pretende facilitar la adecuada comprensión de las noticias de los periódicos por parte de ciudadanos en cualquier país del mundo.
¿Cuáles son los objetivos de esta plataforma?
• Estimular la calidad, promoción, comercialización y consumo de los periódicos, independientemente de plataformas actuales o futuras.
• Fortalecer el rol social del periodismo de calidad como elemento imprescindible en el desarrollo y consolidación de sociedades democráticas.
• Promocionar el hábito del análisis crítico y comparado de la información que se publica tanto online como offline.
• Estimular y facilitar una interacción más directa con los periódicos.
• Estimular la participación ciudadana seria y reflexiva en los periódicos y el compromiso de los lectores con el periodismo de calidad.
• Defender la libertad de expresión como un ejercicio de gran responsabilidad cívica.

¿Cuáles son sus obligaciones al usar Newspaper Matters?
Sobre el material que nos entrega:

Usted no tiene ninguna obligación de entregar su propio material (contenido) a Newspaper Matters, pero si lo hace (incluyendo los análisis de artículos de periódicos y réplicas como periódico o tercera parte, archivos de texto, archivos de audio, imágenes y vídeos generados por cualquier tipo de Usuario ya sea lector, periódico o tercera parte) nos otorga, al suscribir este Contrato, el derecho no exclusivo, irrevocable, perpetuo, a nivel mundial, ilimitado, sujeto a cesión o sublicencia, totalmente pagado y libre de derechos para copiar, mejorar, distribuir, publicar, eliminar, retener, bloquear, agregar, utilizar mediante cualquier forma conocida o que pueda ser descubierta en el futuro, sin que sea necesario otro consentimiento, notificación y/o compensación de ningún tipo.

Sobre la supervisión de los contenidos en Newspaper Matters
Con su registro usted acepta que un equipo de profesionales cualificados en Newspaper Matters supervisa todos los contenidos que los Usuarios (Lector, Periódico y Tercera Parte Aludida) antes de ser publicados definitivamente.

WWW: Facebook vs Google, Experian Hitwise

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Facebook alcanza a Google en EEUU.
Se convierte en la página más visitada.
Servicios de información e inteligencia.
Análisis en 65 países.
100.000 clientes.
15.000 empleados.
Ingresos: 4.000 millones de dólares.
Lema: Integrity, Innovation and Exceptional Client Service..
Oficinas: Nueva York, San Francisco, Canadá, Sao Paulo, Londres, Melbourne, Sidney, Hong Kong, Singapore, Nueva Zelanda.

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Sobre Hitwise:
Hitwise has developed proprietary software that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) use to analyze website logs created on their network. This anonymous data is aggregated and provided to Hitwise, where it is analyzed to provide a range of industry standard metrics relating to the viewing of websites including page requests, visits, average visit length, search terms and behaviour.

Because of the extensive sample size (25 million people worldwide, including 10 million in the US), Hitwise can provide detailed insights into the search terms used to find thousands of sites as well as a range of clickstream reports, analyzing the movement of visitors between sites

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