The New Republic
Why privacy always loses.
13 de diciembre.
Política EEUU.
Desde 1914
50.000 ejemplares.
Martin Peretz.
Liberal, demócrata, social.
En caída.
Portadas controvertidas.
Vía Papers Papers.

Art Design/Direction Heroun+Co./Christine Car
About TNR
When The New Republic was founded in 1914, its mission was to provide its readers with an intelligent, stimulating and rigorous examination of American politics, foreign policy and culture. It has brilliantly maintained its mission for ninety years.
Headquartered in Washington, DC, The New Republic is uniquely positioned to cover public affairs from an insider’s vantage point. Our editors are among the most respected and influential journalists in the country, known for their uncanny ability to get at the important stories long before they reach other media.
The New Republic covers issues before they hit the mainstream, from energy to the environment, from foreign to fiscal policy. By publishing the best writing from a variety of viewpoints–including those from arts and culture, with literary criticism that sets the standard in the academy and among general readers alike–The New Republic continues to be America’s best and most influential journal of opinion.
In addition to a fortnightly print magazine, The New Republic now publishes a daily web magazine featuring online-only analysis of politics and culture.
Know more about the issues and subjects that are important to you, each week–things that you don’t find elsewhere. Subscribe today!

Mayo de 2008

Enero 2008

Mayo 2010

Septiembre 2010