Ponente en las IV Jornadas de Diseño de la Información, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 2012

La Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Ponente en las IV Jornadas de Diseño de la Información con el título ‘Visualización de la Información Deportiva.’
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
25 y 26 de septiembre de 2012
Salón de Actos, (Edificio de Gestión)
Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Camino del Molino, s/n – 28943 Fuenlabrada (Madrid)

Las Jornadas están especialmente dirigidas a estudiantes de comunicación en sus tres ramas: Periodismo, Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad y RRPP. También es su público los profesionales, profesores e investigadores relacionados con este ámbito y toda aquella persona especialmente interesada en el diseño en el campo de la comunicación y la relación entre la formación y la realidad profesional.

Cuarta edición de las Jornadas de Diseño en la Sociedad de la Información, en esta ocasión bajo el lema: Visualización de la Información Deportiva
Cuarta edición de las Jornadas de Diseño en la Sociedad de la Información, en esta ocasión bajo el lema: Visualización de la Información Deportiva

Pablo Prieto Dávila [Director de las Jornadas]
Belén Puebla Martínez [Secretaria de las Jornadas]

Joaquín López del Ramo
Jesús del Olmo Barbero
Pedro Pérez Cuadrado
Ricardo Roncero Palomar
Guiomar Salvat Martinrey

Programa de las IV Jornadas de Diseño, URJC
Programa de las IV Jornadas de Diseño, URJC

WWW: Big Society Network, acción en la red

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Mancheta de Big Society Network, Uk.


The Big Society is a society in which individual citizens feel big: big in terms of being supported and enabled; having real and regular influence; being capable of creating change in their neighbourhood. Does our society pass this test at the moment?

Well, only 4 out of 10 of us believe that we can influence local decisions. Only 1 in 33 of us attend public meetings. We feel anger and frustration at the recent behaviour of both the City and Westminster and relatively powerless to change them. We are often anonymous tax-payers without a real sense of how our money gets spent. Most of us try to be reasonably good citizens but our influence seems very small.

The Big Society is a powerful vision to change this, creating a nation of empowered citizens and communities. It has been articulated by Prime Minister David Cameron, but is linked to some of the best ideas across the political spectrum.

We believe that by working in partnership with communities, businesses, charities and foundations and statutory bodies we can generate innovative solutions which can strengthen local neighbourhoods.

Big Society Network is a not for profit group who aim to help organisations deliver the practical benefits of civic engagement.
© 2011 Big Society Network

GRAPHICS: Egipto, sin internet

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Gráfica de Arbor Networks.

Arbor Networks is a leading provider of secure service control solutions for global networks. Arbor’s customers include over 70 percent of the world’s ISPs and many large enterprises. By providing unmatched network-wide visibility, Arbor solutions deliver best-in-class network security, traffic management, network monitoring, bandwidth management and broadband service optimization, along with the power to improve profitability by deploying differentiated, revenue-generating services. Based on a secure service control architecture, Arbor’s network security solutions enable 21st century networks to reduce their costs and realize their full revenue potential.

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Al Masry Al Youm
dom, 30 ene 2011

MAGS: Time Out, Oakley Capital

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Un fondo de inversión al rescate de una publicación.

Fundado en 1968, Tony Elliot
En enero de 2010 puso sobre la mesa 3 millones de libras para reducir su deuda.
Oakley Capital compra el 50% en noviembre de 2010.

Elliot: «I have considered many potential investors over the last 7 years to help the brand with the next phase of development and I believe that Oakley Capital, with its entrepreneurial operational focus, will help us with this. I genuinely believe that I have found a real partner for what I expect to be a hugely successful worldwide digital journey.»

Frequency: Weekly
Day published: Wednesday
Cover price: £2.99
Annual cover price: £152.49
6 issue trial: £2.99 – save 83%!
Annual credit card subscription: £79.99 – save 48%!
Annual direct debit subscription: £69.99 save 54%!

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Time Out Communications Ltd.
Universal House
251 Tottenham Court Road
Tel: +44 (0)20 7813 3000
Fax: +44 (0)20 7813 6001

The Oakley Group is an asset management and financial advisory business with over $630m of assets under management. It is focused on understanding investors’ interests and requirements, while retaining the flexibility to move quickly and decisively in response to their needs.

Time Out has a worldwide audience of over 17m per annum across all these channels and continues to grow its digital presence, with global unique users per month up 38% year on year to 7.5m, of which over 2m are in London. Time Out also recently launched its location based iPhone applications and has already had over 500,000 downloads in 2010. Time Out publishes a broad range of magazines and guides, its weekly magazine has 36 versions in 24 countries which is complemented by 22 travel magazines and city guides to some 50 cities, translated into 10 languages.

STATS: The Global Gender Gap Report

The Global Gender Gap Report
Ricardo Hausmann, Harvard University
Laura D. Tyson, University of California, Berkeley
Saadia Zahidi,World Economic Forum

Mide las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres para el acceso a la política, economía, salud, trabajo…

The Index is designed to measure gender-based gaps in
access to resources and opportunities in individual countries
rather than the actual levels of the available resources
and opportunities in those countries.

Convert to ratios
First, all data are converted to female/male ratios. For
example, a country with 20% of women in ministerial
positions is assigned a ratio of 20 women /80 men =
0.25 on this variable. This is to ensure that the Index is
capturing gaps between women’s and men’s attainment
levels, rather than the levels themselves.

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Desde 2006
España, en el puesto 11.

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The result puts Switzerland alongside Finland,
Norway, Spain and Cape Verde as countries identified by
the Inter-Parliamentary Union as having a majority of
women in government.

Spain moves up six places in the overall report rankings,
improving its scores across all subindexes to regain
the same overall position it held in 2006. It records some
small gains in the category of women’s economic participation
and opportunity (increases in female labour force
participation, wage equality and estimated earned income,
as well as in the numbers of female professional and technical
workers). Spain’s strengths include the number of
women in ministerial positions, an area where Spain is
among the countries with the highest percentage out of
the 134 countries covered.

However, Spain still ranks towards the very bottom on wage equality, assuming 117th
position. Improvements to Spain’s performance in terms of
women’s economic participation may be expected in the
future following the recent introduction of a law that obligates
all companies with more than 250 employees to create
gender equality plans and the largest companies to
have 40-percent female boards of directors by 2015. The
new law also grants 15 days’ paternity leave to new
fathers. In addition, women must take up at least 40 percent
of the lists of candidates that parties field in elections,
under the new law.

Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Finland
and Ireland show the largest absolute increases in score,
amounting to relative changes of more than 14% when
compared to their performance in the year 2000.

The Global Gender Gap Report 2010 is
published by the World Economic Forum. The
Global Gender Gap Index 2010 is the result of
collaboration with faculty at Harvard University
and the University of California, Berkeley

© 2010 World Economic Forum
All rights reserved.

MAGS: Miller-McCune, Smart Journalism. Real Solutions

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SAGE Publications
Temas sociales
100.000 ejemplares
Desde abril de 2008
Santa Bárbara, California
25$, 1 año (EEUU)
36$, dos años

Reseña en LA Times.
‘Publisher Sara Miller McCune has serious goals for journalism’.

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El tercer camino para el exito de los medios.
Northwestern University

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What is Miller-McCune?
It’s a public benefit corporation founded by Sara Miller McCune, founder and chairman of SAGE Publications. Its three arms are this Web site, the magazine Miller-McCune and internships. For more details, see our About Us statement.

Sara Miller McCune, the founder, publisher and executive chairman of SAGE Publications, has defied the odds for 45 years to prevail as a woman and a private owner in a field dominated by men and mergers to become the grande dame of academic publishing and a philanthropic diva for education, social justice and the performing arts.

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The online magazine Miller-McCune.com harnesses current academic research with real-time reporting to address pressing social concerns. Each day, we offer you information and possible solutions to concerns in areas such as education, politics, the environment, economics, urban affairs and health so you can join our lively global conversation based on work by researchers, leaders and journalists.

Our print magazine, Miller-McCune, draws on academic research and other definitive sources to provide reasoned policy options and solutions for today’s pressing issues. Articles and other material that appear in the magazine are posted at Miller-McCune.com.

Given the explosive and exponential growth in research and data, we strive to be an «honest broker,» a personal editor for our visitors. While individual articles may suggest a policy or solution associated with a particular party or ideology, as a whole we promise to be nonpartisan.

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At the same time, since so much research and policy work is, well, difficult to read and therefore difficult to act on, we hope to honor its underlying importance through the liberal application of excellent writing, piercing wit and clear explanation. At the same time, we will direct you to the research that underpins what we present.

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As an arm of the nonprofit Miller-McCune Center, we are supported by a combination of grants and advertising revenue. Our major contributor to date has been SAGE Publications, an international publisher of academic journals and textbooks founded by Sara Miller McCune.

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