Orden de clasificación en tablas

Big Ten Conference Standings Board

Buscando soluciones gráficas para visualizar una clasificación de mayor a menor he encontrado esta tabla visual de USA Today Sports que resume y compara de forma contundente las diferentes conferencias de fútbol americano (Football Bowl Subdivision) según diferentes categorías en 2015.

Cómo se comportaron las conferencias con fútbol americano en 2015.
Cómo se comportaron las conferencias con fútbol americano en 2015.

The Power Rank ofrece otra manera visual de presentar la misma información. En el ejemplo que podemos ver un poco más abajo, se comparan las distintas conferencias según el promedio de clasificación de cada equipo.

Las mejores conferencias de fútbol universitario, 2013, The Power Rank.

TABLES: Mecanismo de Estabilización Financiera

El Mecanismo de Estabilización Financiera
Mayo de 2010
Consejo de la Unión Europea

1 – Mecanismo de Estabilización Financiera para Europa (EFSM):
En principio creado para los 11 países que no están en la zona euro (50.000 millones de euros). 15.000 millones ya han sido prestados. Quedan 35.000 millones.
Se extienden 60.000 millones de euros más para todos los países (EU27).
Total: 110.000 – 15.000 = 95.000 millones de euros.

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2 – Ayuda a la Estabilidad Financiera en Europa (EFSF), Países Zona euro: 440.000 millones de euros.
Rescate de Grecia: 80.000 millones de euros.

3 – FMI: línea de crédito por un máximo de 220.000 millones de euros.
Para Grecia: 30.000 millones de euros para tres años (mayo de 2010).

4 – BCE: compra de deuda soberana en el mercado secundario.

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Los 440.000 millones del Mecanismo de Estabilización Europea (ESM).
Por los 16 países de la Eurozona.
Para tres años.

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Por ejemplo, el rescate de Grecia.
80.000 millones de euros.
Mayo de 2010

+30.000 del FMI.
Total: 110.000 millones de euros.

TABLE: Basilea III (2013-2019)

Basel Comittee on Banking Supervision

Bank For International SettlementsEl Grupo de Governadores y las Cabezas de Supervisión (27 países miembros, Trichet presidente) elevaron los criterios mínimos de capital para la banca el pasado 12 de septiembre.
Reformas de capital desde 2013 hasta 2019.

La banca dice que las medidas retrasarán la salida de la crisis. Más normativa, calendario corto, ajuste severo.
Existió un Basilea I y un Basilea II, que no evitaron el colapso de Japón en 1990, ni las crisis posteriores y menos aún la caída de Lehman Brothers en 2008 y sus consecuencias.

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– Mayores requerimientos de capital (Common Equity Capital Ratio).
Del 2% al 4,5% para 2018.
El capital que debe reservarse frente a las pérdidas.

– Conservation Buffer: un colchón adicional del 2,50% para 2018

– Common Equity plus capital conservation buffer: la suma de los dos apartados anteriores.
Unas reservas del 7% para 2019. Menos dividendos, viajes y bonos.

– Tier 1, del 4% al 6%
Indicador sobre la seguridad bancaria.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision provides a forum for regular cooperation on banking supervisory matters. It seeks to promote and strengthen supervisory and risk management practices globally. The Committee comprises representatives from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision is the governing body of the Basel Committee and is comprised of central bank governors and (non-central bank) heads of supervision from member countries. The Committee’s Secretariat is based at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.

The Bank for International Settlements
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international organisation which fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks.
The BIS fulfils this mandate by acting as:

•a forum to promote discussion and policy analysis among central banks and within the international financial community •a centre for economic and monetary research •a prime counterparty for central banks in their financial transactions •agent or trustee in connection with international financial operations
The head office is in Basel, Switzerland and there are two representative offices: in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and in Mexico City.
Established on 17 May 1930, the BIS is the world’s oldest international financial organisation.
As its customers are central banks and international organisations, the BIS does not accept deposits from, or provide financial services to, private individuals or corporate entities. The BIS strongly advises caution against fraudulent schemes.

STATS: Bancos más seguros, Global Finance 2010

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Global Finance Magazine

2 de septiembre de 2010

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En el mundo

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En Europa

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Global Finance is a monthly magazine founded in 1987 by publishing entrepreneurs Joseph Giarraputo and Carl Burgen. Giarraputo continues as Publisher and Editorial Director. Its mission is to help corporate leaders, bankers and investors chart the course of global business and finance.

Global Finance magazine has a circulation of 50,050, audited by BPA, and readers in 163 countries. Its headquarters is in New York, with offices in London, Rio de Janeiro and Milan. Global Finance’s audience includes Chairmen, Presidents, CEOs, CFOs, Treasurers and other senior financial officers responsible for making investment and strategic business decisions at multinational companies and financial institutions.

STATS: Top Universities 2010

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Las 200 mejores universidades del mundo, según QS (Quacquarelli Symonds ).
Desde 2004, anual.
Registered Office: 1 Tranley Mews, Fleet Road London, NW3 2DG UK

Cambridge (RU), Harvard (EEUU) y Yale (EEUU) encabezan la clasificación.
En 2010, la británica ha superado a la norteamericana.

148. Universitat de Barcelona
173. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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© Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd 2010. www.topuniversities.com. All rights reserved.

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Clasificación 2009 de las universidades españolas.

QS links high achievers from the graduate, MBA and executive communities around the world…

…with leading business schools, postgraduate departments at universities and with employers, through websites, events, e-guides and technical solutions.

QS organises the largest business education event in the world, the QS World MBA Tour, the QS World Executive MBA Tour and the leading postgraduate studies information event, the QS World Grad School Tour, amongst an extensive product range including print and online publications and software solutions.

QS is the leading global career and education network for ambitious professionals looking to further both their personal and professional development. With extensive contacts in the field of higher education, our industry expertise and experience gives us the flexibility to adapt to the needs of our prospective clients.

At QS we believe that education and career decisions are too important to leave to chance, so we want to ensure candidates have access to the best tools and the best independent expert information before making a decision.

Our ambition is to be the world’s leading media, events and software company in the higher education field. QS is the most trusted on-line and off-line meeting place for all candidates, schools and businesses for career and educational related decisions.

We are a medium-sized company with over 100 staff in offices throughout the world: London, Paris, Singapore, Shanghai, Boston, Washington DC, Johannesburg and Alicante. A multi-cultural employee base, there are 26 languages spoken in the marketing department alone. The QS World MBA Tour travels to 70 cities in 39 countries enabling over 50,000 ambitious MBA candidates to meet face-to-face with high calibre business schools. The QS World Grad School Tour visits 47 cities in 31 countries bringing the complete A to Z of postgraduate programs to over 40,000 interested masters and PhD students.

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Según los baremos que se estudien, las clasificaciones varían de un estudio a otro.
Este es un gráfico interactivo de Ron Coddington y Alex Richards sobre los índices estudiados por diversas publicaciones para realizar sus clasificaciones.

STATS: BP, -32.192 millones de dólares

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Resultados de BP. Segundo cuarto de 2010.
Pérdidas 2010; 16.973 millones de dólares
Ganancias 2009: 3.140 millones.
COSTE DEL VERTIDO: 32.192 millones de dólares.
10.000 millones serán aplicados en tasas, lo pagarán los contribuyentes.

Con este dinero (32.192 millones de dólares) te puedes comprar:

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85.000 Roll Royce Phantom (380.000 $)

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121 Boeing 747-400 (266 millones $)

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245 Cristianos Ronaldo (131 millones $)

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115 millones de suscripciones a The New York Times durante un año de lunes a domingo. (70 dólares trimestrales, 280 anuales)

STATS: Real Madrid, Deloitte Football Money League

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About the Sports Business Group at Deloitte
Over the last 15 years Deloitte has developed a unique focus on the business of sport. Our specialist Sports Business Group offers a multi-disciplined expert service with dedicated people and skills capable of adding significant value to the business of sport. Whether it is benchmarking or strategic business reviews, operational turnarounds, revenue enhancement strategies or stadium/venue development plans, business planning, market and demand analysis, acquisitions, due diligence, expert witness, audits or tax planning; we have worked with more clubs, leagues, governing bodies, stadia developers, event organisers, commercial partners, financiers and investors than any other adviser.
For further information on our services you can access our website at www.deloitte.co.uk/sportsbusinessgroup

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