GRAPHICS: One More Graphic

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Abayan Newspaper

My comment:

That´s a fantastic work.
Visuals are really important on journalism nowdays.
Minute by minute, new readers don´t have time to read everything is comming to their email, twitter account, blog selection, traditional newspaper, Facebook page or any other source of information.

Infographics, interactive graphics, data visuals, diagrams or little charts helps a lot on that hurricane news season.
Readers love them.
Readers appreciate them.
Graphics help companies to develop a big brand.
People talk about graphics, and if they are fine, people get a good impressions on the company’s name.
Graphics attract the ads and the money.

The Abayan graphics I show here are really impressive.
That´s a real power for the Dubai new media.
Believe me, not all graphics in the world are good.
We see everyday a lot of nasty and ugly graphics.
You need the best people on your team to shock the world.
You need time and ideas to present the best graphics.
You need your editor´s support to keep calm on your department.
And you need patience to see the results.

Looking at your work, I see all these things.
Man, Abayan are shocking the world with these stunning works.
They are clear.
I see a great art direction.
They are not only infographics, they are amazing posters!
Illustrations are admirably excellents.
That´s quality.
That´s different.
That´s the Dubai´s true visual gun.

Congrats for all your team!!!!

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