El valle inquietante de la animación 3D

Diferentes renderizados virtuales.

El valle inquietante (‘The Uncanny Valley’) es una hipótesis acuñada por el profesor de robótica Masahiro Mori en 1970 que afirma que cuando la apariencia de un robot se parece más a un humano, la respuesta emocional del observador se irá haciendo más positiva. Sin embargo, llega un punto en el que la respuesta  se vuelve muy negativa. En esa zona negativa se encontraría el valle inquietante. Pasado el valle, la empatía con el robot vuelve subir.

The Uncanny Valley: Existence and Explanations, Shensheng Wang, Scott O. Lilienfeld, and Philippe Rochat
The Uncanny Valley: Existence and Explanations, Shensheng Wang, Scott O. Lilienfeld, and Philippe Rochat


Según la hipótesis, tenemos una respuesta psicológica negativa a los robots que casi se parecen al ser humano al apreciar algo extraño (nos da mal rollo, vemos algo siniestro, como un cadáver espeluznante).


En 1970 el Doctor Mori diseñó un gráfico en el cual se encuentra la representación de los diseños de los robots en función del parecido humano y como resultante obtenemos el agrado del diseño, dicho gráfico es el conocido como “Uncanny Valley”.
En 1970 el Doctor Mori diseñó un gráfico en el cual se
encuentra la representación de los diseños de los robots en función del parecido
humano y como resultante obtenemos el agrado del diseño, dicho gráfico es el
conocido como “Uncanny Valley”.



Se supone que el gusto por un robot aumenta cuanto más humano es, hasta que cruza hacia el valle (el área gris).
Se supone que el gusto por un robot aumenta cuanto más humano es, hasta que cruza hacia el valle (el área gris).


Wired: La hipótesis del valle inquietante aplicada a 'celebrities'
Wired: La hipótesis del valle inquietante aplicada a ‘celebrities’


Userlike: la hipótesis del valle inquietante aplicado a los servicios al cliente.
Userlike: la hipótesis del valle inquietante aplicado a los servicios al cliente.


  • La influencia del Efecto ‘Uncanny Valley’ en el Diseño de un Robot Social (pdf), Anaís Garrell Zulueta
  • Face Reality: Investigating the Uncanny Valley for virtual faces, Rachel McDonnell, Trinity College Dublin (pdf)
  • Total Recoil: The Uncanny Valley is an Uncanny cliff, Jessica Outlaw (web)

GRAPHICS: Nobel de Física 2010

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Nobel de Física
Andre Geim y Konstantin Novoselov
University of Manchester, UK
Estudios sobre los átomos del carbón (grafeno).

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El grafeno es una estructura laminar plana, de un átomo de grosor, compuesta por átomos de carbono densamente empaquetados en una red cristalina en forma de panal de abeja mediante enlaces covalentes que se formarían a partir de la superposición de los híbridos sp² de los carbonos enlazados.

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Nanoestructura del grafeno.

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Aplicaciones electrónicas en circuitos integrados (transistor de IBM, chips, pantallas flexibles)

GRAPHICS: Ultra high density seat!

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Por Aviointerior.
The SkyRider.
Diseño italiano.

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Since 1974 Aviointeriors has supplied airline companies with customized aircraft cabin interior products. Focused mainly on passenger seat design, engineering and manufacturing, Aviointeriors also performs design, engineering and production of aircraft cabin furniture, sidewalls, galleys, lavatories. Its Railinteriors subsidiary, also supplies complete interiors for rolling stock in «high tech» composite materials.

Aviointeriors S.p.a.
Via Appia Km. 66,4
04013 Latina, ITALY

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Air Transport News
12 de julio

3D: Leonar3Do, realidad virtual

Ilustrar en el aire con gafa de 3D y sin ratón.
Desde 2005.
Phoenix, Arizona.

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Información del producto.

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Hardware y software

Name of the product: Leonar3Do.
Short description of the product: interactive desktop VR (virtual reality) equipment for personal computer. (Leonar3Do Product description see in the enclosure.)
Purchase price: 750,- EUR / kit (+ 25% VAT, if you order from the territory of the European Union)
Method of payment: Bank transfer. (We send you proform invoice based on your order.)
Shipping deadline: 1 week after the arrival of the purchase price at our bank account. (We send you a message about arrival of the purchase price.)
Method of delivery: delivery onto the granted shipping address (The cost of delivery is charged to 3D for All.).

PHOTO: Haití, terremoto y puerto, NASA

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Haiti: 7.0 Quake Near Port Au Prince (as of 21 Jan 2010)

Imágenes NASA terremto

The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument on NASA’s Terra spacecraft captured this false color image of Haiti, on January 21, 2010, nine days after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck the region and caused massive damage and loss of life, and one day after a large 5.9 aftershock caused additional damage. While ASTER’s 15-meter (50-foot) resolution is not sufficient to see damaged buildings, it can be used to identify other results of the shaking. Tiny dots of white against the plant-covered landscape (red in this image) are possible landslides, a common occurrence in mountainous terrain after large earthquakes. The possible landslides were identified by carefully comparing the new image with an image acquired one year previously.

Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital, is silver in the false color image. The rivers are pale blue, while the ocean is dark blue. Exposed soil is white.

NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse Allen, using data provided courtesy of NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team. Caption adapted from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Photojournal.


Terra – ASTER

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Los barcos en Puerto Príncipe

Imágenes NASA terremto

Ships carrying relief supplies and aid stream into Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in this image taken by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA’s Terra satellite on January 21, 2010. The city’s port was badly damaged in the massive 7.0 earthquake that hit the island on January 12. On January 20, one pier re-opened, allowing ships to dock for the first time since the earthquake, said news reports.

The newly reopened pier is the city’s south pier, the narrow strip that juts out into the water in this image. Part of the pier collapsed in the earthquake, but the remaining structure is just stable enough to support a single truck offloading supplies from docked ships, reported CNN.

Tiny streaks of white in the dark blue water are ships. The largest ship in the scene may be the USNS Comfort, a 273-meter (894-foot) long U.S. Navy hospital ship that was taking patients by helicopter until a pier could open up, according to Business Week.

Though its capacity is limited, the fragile pier should speed the distribution of food and other supplies to earthquake victims. Prior to January 20, aid had been coming into Port-au-Prince on airplanes arriving on a single runway, said news reports. The ships have a much greater capacity.

Port-au-Prince itself is blue gray in this false color image. At this scale, the only visible earthquake damage is the shortened pier, but the image does reveal how densely constructed the city was. Plant-covered land is red. Little open, plant-covered ground can be seen in the heart of the city.

1. References

2. CNN. (2010, January 21). Haiti pier opens, road laid into Port-au-Prince. Accessed January 21, 2010.

3. Dolmetsch, C, and Varner, B. (2010, January 21). U.S.-rescued Haitian Victims Treated on Hospital Ship. Business Week. Accessed January 21, 2010.

4. Leonard, T. (2010, January 20). Haiti earthquake: damaged port reopens to aid ships. Telegraph. Accessed January 21, 2010.

5. Military Seacraft Command. USNS Comfort. Accessed January 21, 2010.

NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse Allen, using data provided courtesy of NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team. Caption by Holli Riebeek.


Terra – ASTER

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