BOOKS: Todos los demonios están aquí

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All Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis Bethany McLean y Joe Nocera.

Hardcover: 400 pages
Publisher: Portfolio Hardcover (November 16, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1591843634
ISBN-13: 978-1591843634

«Hell is empty, and
all the devils are here.»
-Shakespeare, The Tempest

LOS DEMONIOS, según los autores:

• Angelo Mozilo, the CEO of Countrywide, who dreamed of spreading homeownership to the masses, only to succumb to the peer pressure-and the outsized profits-of the sleaziest subprime lending.

• Roland Arnall, a respected philanthropist and diplomat, who made his fortune building Ameriquest, a subprime lending empire that relied on blatantly deceptive lending practices.

• Hank Greenberg, who built AIG into a Rube Goldberg contraption with an undeserved triple-A rating, and who ran it so tightly that he was the only one who knew where all the bodies were buried.

• Stan O’Neal of Merrill Lynch, aloof and suspicious, who suffered from «Goldman envy» and drove a proud old firm into the ground by promoting cronies and pushing out his smartest lieutenants.

• Lloyd Blankfein, who helped turn Goldman Sachs from a culture that famously put clients first to one that made clients secondary to its own bottom line.

• Franklin Raines of Fannie Mae, who (like his predecessors) bullied regulators into submission and let his firm drift away from its original, noble mission.

• Brian Clarkson of Moody’s, who aggressively pushed to increase his rating agency’s market share and stock price, at the cost of its integrity.

• Alan Greenspan, the legendary maestro of the Federal Reserve, who ignored the evidence of a growing housing bubble and turned a blind eye to the lending practices that ultimately brought down Wall Street-and inflicted enormous pain on the country.

Just as McLean’s The Smartest Guys in the Room was hailed as the best Enron book on a crowded shelf, so will All the Devils Are Here be remembered for finally making sense of the meltdown and its consequences.
About the Author
Bethany McLean is a writer for Vanity Fair and the coauthor of The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron. Before joining Vanity Fair, she wrote for Fortune for thirteen years (most recently as an editor at large) and spent three years working in the investment banking division of Goldman Sachs. She lives in Chicago.

Joe Nocera is a business columnist for The New York Times and a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine. He spent ten years at Fortune as a contributing writer, editor at large, executive editor, and editorial director. He has won three Gerald Loeb awards for excellence in business journalism and was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in 2006. He lives in New York.

BOOKS: Gray Lady Down, William McGowan

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Gray Lady Down
William McGowan
What The Decline and Fall of TNYT means for America.

Hardcover: 300 pages
Publisher: Encounter Books (November 16, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1594034869
ISBN-13: 978-1594034862

Product Description
The New York Times was once considered the gold standard in American journalism and the most trusted news organization in America. Today, it is generally understood to be a vehicle for politically correct ideologies, tattered liberal pieties, and a repeated victim of journalistic scandal and institutional embarrassment.

In Gray Lady Down, the hard-hitting follow up to Coloring the News, William McGowan asks who is responsible for squandering the finest legacy in American journalism. Combining original reporting, critical assessment and analysis, McGowan exposes the Times’ obsessions with diversity, «soft» pop cultural news, and countercultural Vietnam-era attitudinizing, and reveals how these trends have set America’s most important news icon at odds with its journalistic mission—and with the values and perspectives of much of mainstream America.

Gray Lady Down considers the consequences—for the Times, for the media, and, most important, for American society and its political processes at this fraught moment in our nation’s history. In this highly volatile media environment, the fate of the Times may portend the future of the fourth estate.


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Coloring the News: How Political Correctness Has Corrupted American Journalism
William McGowan

Paperback: 262 pages
Publisher: Encounter Books; 1 edition (May 1, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1893554600
ISBN-13: 978-1893554603
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 6 x 0.9 inches

From Publishers Weekly
In a book likely to spark controversy, and with the relentlessness of a prosecutor, McGowan (Only Man Is Vile: The Tragedy of Sri Lanka), a fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute, presents case after case in which, he contends, reporters and editors got stories wrong or ignored topics worthy of coverage because of their liberal ideologies and their fear of offending African-Americans, gays or feminists. (In many cases, he says, the journalists later admitted their own timidity.) Both in hiring practices and story coverage, multicultural journalism is «oversimplifying complicated issues» and «undermining the spirit of public cooperation and trust,» McGowan writes. On race, he points to what he calls «soft» coverage of Washington, D.C., mayor Marion Barry and Rev. Louis Farrakhan’s Million Man March. But some of his arguments are inflammatory. Lumping «Gay and Feminist Issues» together in one chapter, he compares the coverage of the Matthew Shepard murder and that of another murder by two gay pedophiles in light of what he calls «the sanctity of the gays-as-victims script.» McGowan also cites biases in reporting on the abortion issue, attributing them to the fact that over 80% of journalists surveyed say they are pro-choice. Detractors will note that journalists rarely cover issues without biases, and that it’s unlikely that journalists of the past covered most causes including the 1960s struggle for civil rights that McGowan holds up as a model for race relations in the United States with the objectivity he trumpets. Skeptics of multiculturalism will love this book, and lefties will love to hate it. (Nov. 15)Forecast: Encounter Books knows how to reach its conservative audience. More generally, this will generate controversy among media mavens.


William McGowan is the author of «Coloring the News: How Crusading for Diversity has Corrupted American Journalism.»

William McGowan is the author of Only Man Is Vile: The Tragedy of Sri Lanka (Farrar, Straus & Giroux). He has reported for Newsweek International and the BBC and has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, Columbia Journalism Review and other national publications. A regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal, he is currently a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. He lives in New York City.

BOOKS: Atlas of Science, The MIT Press

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Atlas of Science, Visualizing What We Know
Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: The MIT Press (October 31, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0262014459
ISBN-13: 978-0262014458

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Product Dimensions: 13.2 x 11.2 x 1 inches
October 2010
13 x 11, 288 pp., 500 color illus.
$29.95/£22.95 (CLOTH)

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Product Description
Cartographic maps have guided our explorations for centuries, allowing us to navigate the world. Science maps have the potential to guide our search for knowledge in the same way, helping us navigate, understand, and communicate the dynamic and changing structure of science and technology. Allowing us to visualize scientific results, science maps help us make sense of the avalanche of data generated by scientific research today.

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Atlas of Science, features more than thirty full-page science maps, fifty data charts, a timeline of science-mapping milestones, and 500 color images; it serves as a sumptuous visual index to the evolution of modern science and as an introduction to «the science of science»—charting the trajectory from scientific concept to published results.

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Atlas of Science, based on the popular exhibit «Places & Spaces: Mapping Science,» describes and displays successful mapping techniques. The heart of the book is a visual feast: Claudius Ptolemy’s Cosmographia World Map from 1482; a guide to a PhD thesis that resembles a subway map; «the structure of science» as revealed in a map of citation relationships in papers published in 2002; a periodic table; a history flow visualization of the Wikipedia article on abortion; a globe showing the worldwide distribution of patents; a forecast of earthquake risk; hands-on science maps for kids; and many more.

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Each entry includes the story behind the map and biographies of its makers.

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Not even the most brilliant minds can keep up with today’s deluge of scientific results. Science maps show us the landscape of what we know.

The MIT Press
Cambridge, Massachusetts
London, England


BOOKS: Just My Type, A Book about Fonts

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Product Description
What’s your type? Suddenly everyone’s obsessed with fonts. Whether you’re enraged by Ikea’s Verdanagate, want to know what the Beach Boys have in common with easy Jet or why it’s okay to like Comic Sans, «Just My Type» will have the answer. Learn why using upper case got a New Zealand health worker sacked. Refer to Prince in the Tafkap years as a Dingbat (that works on many levels). Spot where movies get their time periods wrong and don’t be duped by fake posters on eBay. Simon Garfield meets the people behind the typefaces and along the way learns why some fonts – like men – are from Mars and some are from Venus. From type on the high street and album covers, to the print in our homes and offices, Garfield is the font of all types of knowledge.

About the Author
Simon Garfield writes for the Observer about science, health and the arts. He is a former editor of Time Out, and his book The End of Innocence won the Somerset Maugham Prize. He has written and edited twelve books, including the bestselling Mass Observation diaries.

Product Details
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Profile Books Ltd (October 21, 2010)
ISBN-10: 1846683017
ISBN-13: 978-1846683015
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.8 x 1.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

Just My Type is a book of stories about fonts. It examines how Helvetica and Comic Sans took over the world. It explains why we are still influenced by type choices made more than 500 years ago, and why the T in the Beatles logo is longer than the other letters. It profiles the great originators of type, from Baskerville to Zapf, as well as people like Neville Brody who threw out the rulebook. The book is about that pivotal moment when fonts left the world of Letraset and were loaded onto computers, and typefaces became something we realized we all have an opinion about. And beyond all this, the book reveals what may be the very best and worst fonts in the world – and what your choice of font says about you.

BOOKS: Diagrams

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Innovative Solutions for Graphic Designers
Carolyn Knight (Bright Pink, Univ. De Wolverhampton, Reino Unido) y Jessica Glaser (Bright Pink, Stafford, Reino Unido).
224 páginas.

Octubre 2009
12 libras, 13 dólares.

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Colección de ejemplos para inspirarse.

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Smithsonian Hall of Mammals

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Nordic Pack, Nike

by Carolyn Knight & Jessica Glaser
Commissioning bespoke diagrams is an expensive and time-consuming solution. This book offers a collection of exemplary, creative, and imaginative information design, shown in its original application and juxtaposed with the reference material used for each piece of work.
Every design included in the book is analysed, and useful templates are included on the accompanying disc, along with clip-art features, such as arrows, flows, and boxes, so that designers can adopt and adapt them in order to display information within their own unique layouts. Diagrams offers a unique solution to the organisation of information and provides fresh thinking and imaginative solutions, making this an indispensable and inspirational reference book.

About The Author
Jessica Glaser and Carolyn Knight run design company Bright Pink, and both hold posts within the Graphic Communication department of the University of Wolverhampton, UK. They are the authors of Create Impact with Type, Image, and Color; Sticky Graphics; and Print and Production Finishes for Bags, Labels, and Point of Purchase.

BOOKS: Nueva gramática

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La anterior gramática.

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Esbozo de una nueva gramática de la lengua española.
34 euros

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La nueva gramática de la lengua española.
Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española.
4 de diciembre de 2009
Patrocinada por Altadis y Caja Duero.
4.200 páginas.
ISBN: 9788467032079
120 euros

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PROS: Toda la gramática en dos volúmenes, el mapa de la lengua. Imprescindible.
CONS: su precio. En los tiempos que corren deberían regalarla por las calles.

Dossier de la RAE

BOOKS: Glooged

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Como la canción de REM.
Es el final del mundo como lo conocemos hoy.

Según el Ken Auletta, columnista de The New Yorker desde 1992, existe un Google idealista con brillantes ingenieros, que curiosamente se han hecho millonarios vendiendo la cultura de lo gratuíto.
Pero existe otro Google, un monstruo que está acabando con los medios tradicionales.
Auletta da su visión de cómo se está redefiniendo la industria informativa.

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Googled: The End of The World as We Know it
Penguin Press
Nov. 2009
Ken Auletta
400 pág.

BOOKS: 010, Joost Grootens, Amsterdam

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Joost Grootens estudió diseño arquitectónico en la Academia Gerrit Rietveld de Amsterdam (1990-1995). Luego fundó su propio estudio, especializado en libros de arquitectura, espacios urbanos y ambiente interactivo.

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Uno de sus clientes es 010 Publishers Rotterdam, editora con más de 25 años en la palestra.
600 libros sobre diseño y arquitectura.
Fundado por Hans Oldewarris and Peter de Winter.

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Vinex Atlas
Jelte Boeijenga, Jeroen Mensink
Diseño de Joost Grootens
60 euros

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Medalla de oro, diseño libros, 2009 Best Dutch Book Design

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Cartografía de un programa de construcción de viviendas.
‘An outstanding example of successful information-based graphics. The detailed information is clearly structured, precisely collated and in its design concept shows sure instinct right down to the last detail. Excellent design of complex contents which makes the reader eager to find out more’.
Goldmedaille ‘Schönste Bücher aus aller Welt’

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The Metropolitan World Atlas
Arjen van Susteren
Diseño de Joost Grootens
25 euros

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Medalla de oro, ’Best Book Design from all over the World’ 2006.

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Limes Atlas
Jos Bazelmans, Ton Bloemers, otros.
Diseño de Joost Grootens
45 euros

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Best Dutch Book Design 2005

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The Big Kan Atlas
Wies Sanders
100 mapas sobre la red urbana Arnhem-Nijmegen.
92 páginas.
Diseño de Joost Grootens
Out of print.

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