PHOTOS: George Pickow, 1922-2010

El pasado 10 de diciembre falleció el fotógrafo y director de cine estadounidense George Pickow.
Los Angeles, 1922
Folk, Jazz, Pop.
Trabajó con Alan Lomax, historiador folk.
Newport Folk Festival 63-66 (Dylan, Muddy Watters, Woody Guthrie, Joan Baez, Johnny Cash, Peter, Paul and Mary…)
Louis Armstrong, Tony Bennett, Nina Simone, Little Richard, Dizzy Gillespie, Louis Jordan, Pete Seeger, Lena Horne, Josh White, Judy Collins…
Life Magazine, National Geographic, Cosmopolitan.
Cámara en los documentales y conciertos dirigidos por Alan Lomax.

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Oss Oss Wee Oss (1953)
Alan Lomax and Peter Kennedy
The South West Film & Television Archive collection holds many films illustrating the rich history of folklore, rural cultural heritage and tradition in the region. The May Day ‘Obby Oss’ (or hobby horse) tradition in Padstow has its origins in a spring fertility festival and is an annual custom that continues to this day. This celebration involving traditional song, dance and costume is a closely protected event and has rarely been filmed, however, the archive holds amateur filmed material from 1928 onwards, television footage from 1961 onwards and this unique footage dating from 1953. This documentary is unique in that the production team were allowed unparalleled access to the people involved in the event, capturing the music, dances, and folklore surrounding the tradition. The film was shot by Peter Kennedy, who from the 1950s has made hundreds of sound recordings, and later films, of regional folksongs, music, dancing, story telling, folklore events and customs around Britain and Ireland. Another example of his work in the South West is ‘Shanty Man’ (1950s), recording the work of the men of the Portland Stone quarries who used song and rhymes to help their work. The Archive holds moving image of virtually every folklore and cultural tradition in its area, including harvest rites (such as corn dollies), ship blessings, Helston Floral Day, the Cerne Abbas Giant, and midsummer eve bonfires. Folk music and dance particular to the South West region such as Dartmoor step dancing was recorded by both Westward Television and BBC South West from the 1960s onward and is now held in the Archive, and Broom dancing was also captured on film by Peter Kennedy. Amateur film maker Major Gill also made films illustrating the lives of people and communities in the South West region although he also focused on working practices and industry; both cottage and heavy.

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The Other Side of the Mirror: Bob Dylan Live at the Newport Folk Festival
Actors: Bob Dylan
Directors: Murray Lerner

Matched only by the Beatles and Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan continues to captivate music and pop culture fans with a seemingly never-ending stream of new and old recordings, books, documentaries, feature films, and more. The Other Side of the Mirror – Live at Newport Folk Festival 1963-1965 is a worthy addition to the canon; whether this 83-minute compilation will serve to illuminate the Dylan myth or merely perpetuate it is open to question, but without a doubt there’s plenty of fascinating material here. There are nearly 20 songs represented, covering three consecutive years of Dylan appearances at the famed Rhode Island festival. Some have been seen before (most recently in No Direction Home, Martin Scorsese’s 2005 Dylan doc, and in Festival, a Newport chronicle released on DVD that same year and directed by Murray Lerner, who is also responsible for The Other Side of the Mirror). Some are from Dylan’s daytime «workshops,» others from his nighttime main stage performances. Some are complete, others oddly truncated. Some are terrific (like «Chimes of Freedom,» 1964), others not so much (cf. the turgid «With God on Our Side» from ’63, with Joan Baez adding shrill harmony). In any case, these were the years when Dylan assumed the mantle of «spokesman of a generation,» whether he wanted it or not. We see him evolving from the earnest young protest singer of ’63 to the visionary artist of the following year who, with the astonishing torrent of rhymes, alliterations, symbols, and brilliant turns of phrase in «Chimes» and «Mr. Tambourine Man,» turned the whole notion of songwriting on its ear. And, of course, we also witness Dylan’s turn from acoustic to electric guitar, when he was joined onstage by members of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band (sans Butterfield himself) in 1965; only two songs from that legendary (and, at the time, infamous) gig are seen here, and viewed four decades after the fact, neither «Maggie’s Farm» nor «Like a Rolling Stone» is all that special, notwithstanding some searing solo work by guitarist Mike Bloomfield. The DVD package, which includes a bonus interview with Lerner and a nice booklet with liner notes by Tom Piazza, adds to the appeal of what has to rank as a must-have for Dylanologists of every stripe. –Sam Graham

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Jean Richie y Carl Sandburg

Ballads, Blues and Bluegrass1961
Director(s):Alan Lomax, George Pickow

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Folk Songs of The Southern Appalachians

PHOTOS: Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1787–1851

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Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre
Pionero del proceso de la fotografía.

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Daguerrotipo de la luna
Tomó la primera fotografía de la luna en 1839, pero se perdió todo el material en un incendio.

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Primera fotografía con personas.
Boulevard du Temple (1838)

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El daguerrotipo o «daguerreotipo», fue el primer procedimiento fotográfico anunciado y difundido oficialmente en el año 1839. Fue desarrollado y perfeccionado por Louis Daguerre a partir de las experiencias previas inéditas de Joseph-Nicéphore Niépce, y dado a conocer en París, en la Academia de las Ciencias francesa.

PHOTOS: Las hadas de Cottingley, 1917

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Las hadas de Cottingley
Serie de cinco fotografías tomadas por las primas Elsie, 16 años, y Frances Griffiths, 10 años, (Bradford, Inglaterra).
Las niñas posan junto a varias hadas, probando la existencia de espíritus.
Gran falsificación.
Geoffrey Wakefield Crawley (1916-2010, pionero del análisis fotográfico) demostró que las fotos eran falsas muchos años después ( «Of course there are fairies, just as there is Father Christmas»).
En 1982, Elsie Wright declaró en la BBC que fue un fraude.

PHOTO: Peter Gowland (1916-2010)

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LA, 1916-LA, 2010
Según THE NEW YORK TIMES, el número uno de la fotografía de Pin-Ups.
Playboy, Rolling Stone, Modern Photography.
California Stars.
Su frustación: no haber capturado a Marilyn.

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Rod Hudson

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Vera Miles

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Henry Miller

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Bragas calientes.

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Portada de Modern Photography, 1953

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Barbara Osterman, 1950


Photographs are ©1940-2010 Peter Gowland. All rights reserved. No part of this page may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise – without written permission of the copyright owner. These images are all copyrighted and digitally watermarked and may never be considered to be in the public domain. The pictures cannot be used for any commercial use whatsoever without the written permission of the copyright holder of the image. These pictures may not be posted on any websites, newsgroups, or bulletin boards, electronic or otherwise. They may not be resold or given to another person. The images are for personal use only and may not be used as an inducement for any commercial venture.

Peter Gowland Website Updated March 18, 2010

PHOTO: Marty Lederhandler (1917-2010)

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NY, 1917- NJ, 2010
Associated Press.
Desde el Día D (1944) hasta el 11S (2001).

GALERÍA de imágenes.

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Winston Churchill, 1953

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Lyndon Johnson (izquierda) y George Meany, 1967

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Florentino Fernández y Rubin Carter, 1962

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11S, 2001

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Esta fue la foto de portada del ATLAS DE LA GUERRA de Afganistán, editado por LA ESFERA DE LOS LIBROS, la colección de infografías publicadas en EL MUNDO DEL SIGLO XXI desde los ataques a las torres hasta las batallas en Afganistán.

PHOTO: Jim Marshall, fotógrafo del rock

Jim Marshall
Chicago, 1936- NYC, 2010.
El momento decisivo.
500 portadas de discos.
Cámara Leica M2.
Verano del amor, NYC, Monterey Pop Fest, Santana, Woodstock, Fillmore West, Rolling Stones, Life Magazine, Rolling Stone Mag, The Beatles, Guitar Player, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Warner Brothers, Dylan, Cash, Ben Harper, Lucie Award, Mojo…

Increíble CATÁLOGO.

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The Beatles en EEUU, 1966. Último concierto.

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Jimi rocks, 1967

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Cash, el dedo de moda. 1969.

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Janis, the summer of love, 1967

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Bill Graham Saluda, el dedo de moda, 1967

Marshall sobrevivió a todo ello. Glups.

VIDEO: En 360º

Conocíamos las fotos en 360º.
Aquí, dos ejemplos de vídeo en 360º (mueve el ratón sobre el vídeo).

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Vídeo de Yellowbird

The founders
Marc Groothelm and Rafaël Redczus met a few years ago, and founded their company in March 2009.
In 1999 Redczus launched a technology to create a still 3-D image. It triggered a revolution and almost instantly attracted clients including Volkswagen, ABN-AMRO, Four Seasons (Japan), Ritz-Carlton (Hawaii), Center Parcs, Frico Domo, Big Brother and the Netherlands Railway.
In 2001 Redczus learnt about the technology for capturing not just a still image, but also a moveable 3-D image in a spherical shape. The systems were still expensive and unsuitable for use on the computers of that time. Moreover, Internet connections were too slow, as were the computers themselves, and the introduction of Flash 9 was still years away. When the latter did arrive, online video and 3-D took a giant step. From then it was just a matter of time before technological advances enabled their extensive application.
Groothelm and Redczus met at Groningen University in 2005. Their meeting formed the basis for an intensive cooperation with Groothelm, specialised in Strategy & Innovation, managing to drastically improve and couple existing technologies.
The result is a technologically advanced business that aims to claim a strong position in the international world of film, working directly for clients, and in partnership with advertising agencies and film production companies, offering the most intense film experience online today.

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Immersivemedia sobre Haití

Immersive Media is the pioneer and leading world provider of 360°, full motion, interactive videos. What started with the popular «street views» found on leading search engines has become a phenomenon of advanced, experiential media.
Immersive Media’s high-resolution, 11-lens camera and full complement of production and post-production services are being used by prominent brands to deliver cutting edge live entertainment and advertising. They are capturing the globe’s most interesting cities, attractions and events in engrossing detail. And they are being tapped by military and law enforcement groups for in-depth monitoring, surveillance and training.
Headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Immersive Media Corp. has two wholly owned subsidiaries: Immersive Media Company in Portland, Oregon, and IMC Sensors (DBA Immersive Security) in Dallas, Texas. Immersive Media Corp. is a publicly traded company on Canada’s TSX Venture Exchange under the stock symbol «IMC.»
David McCutchen, Immersive Media’s Chief Technical Officer, was working in the special effects industry in the 1980s when he started searching for a camera system that could capture wraparound images. When he found that no such system existed, McCutchen used the principles of geodesic design to develop the technology himself. He applied for a patent in 1989, it was issued in 1991 and Immersive Media was formed three years later.
Since 1994, Immersive Media has been the world leader in 360°, full motion, interactive videos. The Dodeca® 2360 camera system, Immersive Media’s flagship product, is currently in fourth-generation hardware. The company maintains ongoing development of new camera and software platforms, with a patent portfolio covering key discoveries and capabilities of interactive and immersive video.

PHOTO: Dell compra el archivo de Magnum

Michael S. Dell ha comprado 185.000 fotografías del archivo de Magnum por 71.3 millones de euros. Magnum fue fundada en 1947 por Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, David «Chim» Seymour y George Rodger.

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Galería de imágenes.

About the Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin
The Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin is an internationally renowned humanities research library and museum that advances the study of the arts and humanities by acquiring, preserving, and making accessible original culture materials. With extensive collections of rare books, manuscripts, photography, film, art and the performing arts, the Center supports research through symposia and fellowships and provides education and enrichment for scholars, students, and the public through exhibitions and programs.

About Magnum Photos
Magnum Photos, founded by the forefathers of documentary photography – Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, David «Chim» Seymour and George Rodger – is a photographic co-operative of great diversity and distinction owned by its photographer-members. Since its inception in 1947, Magnum’s photographers collectively have chronicled the most significant historical and cultural milestones of the 20th Century. Today, through its offices in New York, London, Paris and Tokyo, Magnum provides photographs to the media, publishers, advertising agencies, galleries, and museums across the world. Its collections also form the basis of numerous exhibitions, multimedia presentations, and books. Additional information is available at

About MSD Capital, L. P.
Founded in 1998, MSD Capital is the private investment firm for Michael Dell and his family. The firm currently manages in excess of $10 billion in assets utilizing a multi-disciplinary investment strategy encompassing traditional private equity activities, real estate and investments in publicly-traded securities, in each case with the objective of building an investment portfolio focused on maximizing long-term capital appreciation. MSD Capital’s team of over 80 people operates from the firm’s offices in New York, Santa Monica and London. Additional information is available at

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