GRAPHICS: Barómetro de medios, KPMG

Anytime, anywhere
The rising demand of media on the move KPMG’s media and entertainment barometer

Third Media and Entertainment Barometer, a six-monthly consumer survey conducted on behalf of KPMG byYouGov.

«Over the past year traditional media has held up well, and despite the ever growing availability of online media, consumers still expect and consume both. This has led to a mixed ecology, with people accessing content in the traditional way and online. The popularity of consuming media in the traditional way remains very resilient.» David Elms, KPMG

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Medios tradicionales.
Descensos en radio y diario, aumentan la TVs y las revistas.

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Aumenta los encuestados que pagarían por contenidos en la red.
Para periódicos online, del 24% al 33% en un año.

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Los móviles no son para leer periódicos.

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Sólo el 2% de los encuestados tiene tableta.
El 16% lee diarios en el dispositivo.

Paywalls & Subscriptions

Subscribers most commonly paid for music (23 percent), online gaming (21 percent), business news/analysis (19 percent), online newspapers/ magazines (19 percent) and TV (19 percent).

Newspapers, books and print magazines

86 percent of consumers said they preferred to consume media offl ine rather than online. The most popular reason was a preference to reading physical copies.

Amongst those who had engaged in new media activities, the highest mean spend was on digital books, with 22 percent of those spending more than £5.

Over the past six months there had been a small increase in the proportion reading digital books.

– Newspaper and magazine readers aged 18-34 were less likely to pay for print media compared with the general population.

– Some major national newspaper groups have introduced paywalls for their online content, and all eyes have been on whether they are likely to be successful in the long term. Our survey suggests that as long as content is available for free elsewhere, the majority of consumers (79 percent) would rather find a different provider than pay for content online.

KPMG in the UK has over 10,000 partners and staff working in 22 offices and is part of a strong global network of member firms. Our vision is simple – to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of our clients, people and our capital markets.

ADS: Adiós a Google Print Ads

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Google abandona el programa ’Print Ads’ el próximo 28 de febrero al no lograr el éxito que se aventuraba en noviembre de 2006. Los medios que tengan el servicio contratado mantendrán su contrato hasta el 31 de marzo.

Google pensó que podía entrar en la industria de los diarios tradicionales, donde la publicidad roza el 90% de sus ingresos, pero no ha logrado hacerse un hueco.

Hasta el momento, Google tenía contratos con 807 periódicos (The New York Times, New York Post, Chicago Tribune, LA Times…).

Spencer Spinnell, Director del programa, da su explicación en su blog.

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