Jurado 2020 INMA Global Media Awards

INMA Global Media Awards

Jurando en la edición de 2020 INMA Global Media Awards, en la categoría 9: Best Idea to Encourage Print Readership or Engagement (Regional y Nacional).

En esta categoría se apreció la creatividad de ideas de los medios para el fomento de la lectura y el desarrollo de nuevas audiencias en los medios impresos.

Algunas categorías de la edición 2020.
Algunas categorías de la edición 2020.

Estos premios son una competición abierta entre diarios, revistas, televisiones y sitios web en la que se valora las mejores prácticas en las decisiones en torno a las audiencias de los medios. Aquí las bases de la convocatoria en PDF.

Convocatoria 2020
Convocatoria 2020

Sobre INMA
La International News Media Association (INMA) es el proveedor líder mundial de mejores prácticas mundiales para las empresas de medios de comunicación que buscan aumentar los ingresos, la audiencia y la marca en medio de un profundo cambio en el mercado. La sede central está en Texas (EEUU) y tiene delegaciones en Amsterdam (Holanda), Nueva Delhi (India) y San Salvador (El Salvador).

MAGS: Print Magazine, Cincinnati, OH

Print Magazine

Print is an iconic design and visual culture brand encompassing a venerated magazine, a website, premium book and e-book lines, and the Regional Design Annual, one of the most well-respected design competitions in the industry.
Founded in 1940, Print seeks to build a dialogue about design by detailing the intersections of art and culture. Rather than focusing on the how-to of design, the experts who write for Print cover the why—why the world of design looks the way it does, how it has evolved, and why the way it looks matters.
To fulfill its mission, Print focuses on a broad stroke of visual culture today, covering everything from publication design to interactive work, motion graphics, corporate branding, exhibitions, illustration and socially conscious design.
Print is sophisticated. Bold. Distinguished. Experienced. Savvy. The longest-running stateside graphic design publication, it has won five National Magazine Awards—the industry’s highest honor.
As the design world has evolved over the decades, Print has been right there with it, and will continue to evolve to bring its readers the best design writing from the most prominent authors, legends and critics in the field today. Print’s contributing editors and regular writers include such top design thinkers as Michael Dooley, Steven Heller, Claire Lui, Debbie Millman, Rick Poynor, Ellen Shapiro, Paul Shaw, Jude Stewart and Douglas Wolk.

2014 RDA: «Who the F#%K is Charlie Crist?» Miami New Times, Miami: Miche Ratto (art director/designer); Miami New Times (client)

Print magazine
10151 Carver Road, Suite # 200
Cincinnati, OH 45242

BLOGS: Lady Gaga Shows all! Best Magazine Seller

Contesto aquí a las interesantes preguntas de un estudiante de la Universidad de Navarra, interesado por este blog y por terminar bien su carrera.

¿Cuándo comenzó con el blog?

Empecé muy tarde, en octubre de 2008.
La tendencia de los blogs empezó sobre 2005. En aquella época tenía demasiadas cosas en la cabeza. Ahí nació La Iguana Ilustrada, pero se quedó en dos post. Tres años después, empecé a reflexionar un poco más sobre mi actividad diaria. Hasta hoy.

¿Podría decirnos algo sobre usted, que es su autor? Por ejemplo, la trayectoria profesional.
Soy redactor jefe del departamento de Infografía de EL MUNDO del Siglo XXI.

¿Cuál es el número de visitas diarias que tiene? ¿Mensuales?
Nunca me ha preocupado eso. Más bien lo hago para compensar mi falta de memoria. Lo planteo como mi cuaderno de notas. Creo que es muy útil. Llegué a plantearme cerrarlo al público, pero bueno, está abierto, lo que hace que te lo tengas que trabajar un poco más.
Por no dejarte sin contestación: veo que no llego a 10.000 páginas al mes.

¿Desde dónde le visitan?
Lo miro. En este momento el top 5: España, México, Argentina, Colombia y Chile.

¿Cuál es su entrada más visitada?

La entrada más vista es ‘ICON: Biohazard’. Es un post sobre el icono del Biohazard, el peligro biológico.
La explicación creo que viene por las búsquedas de los fans del grupo de hardcore punk de Brooklyn.
Supongo que presentar un post como este con Lady GaGa superará al de Biohazard. Veremos.

Para dejar un postre periodístico, la entrada sobre una foto que mostraba el lugar de un atentado en Afganistán fue la más vista hasta que llegó el Biohazard.

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Lady Gaga, Best Magazine Seller.

¿Qué tipos de entradas son las que más éxito pueden tener?
No lo sé. Hablando de periodismo es difícil saberlo. Sobre todo porque tengo muy poco retorno de la gente. La comunicación en la red se está convirtiendo en un inmenso monólogo. Digo esto (blog), aparece por todos sitios (Twitter), unos pocos contestan algo interesante, la mayoría contesta alegremente (Facebook), que está bien, pero creo que ese no es el objetivo de la comunicación. En este sentido, me parece interesante la propuesta de Quora. Veremos cómo evoluciona.

«According to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, Gaga was the runaway hit at the newsstand in 2010 for monthly and biweekly magazines. The results don’t extend all the way through the end of the year, and they do vary (figures for Condé Nast titles go through November; Hearst titles through October). But it’s safe to say no celebrity will catch up in time to match Gaga’s strong and steady performance throughout the year.»

MAGS: The New Republic

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The New Republic
Why privacy always loses.
13 de diciembre.
Política EEUU.
Desde 1914
50.000 ejemplares.
Martin Peretz.
Liberal, demócrata, social.
En caída.
Portadas controvertidas.

Vía Papers Papers.

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Art Design/Direction Heroun+Co./Christine Car

About TNR
When The New Republic was founded in 1914, its mission was to provide its readers with an intelligent, stimulating and rigorous examination of American politics, foreign policy and culture. It has brilliantly maintained its mission for ninety years.

Headquartered in Washington, DC, The New Republic is uniquely positioned to cover public affairs from an insider’s vantage point. Our editors are among the most respected and influential journalists in the country, known for their uncanny ability to get at the important stories long before they reach other media.

The New Republic covers issues before they hit the mainstream, from energy to the environment, from foreign to fiscal policy. By publishing the best writing from a variety of viewpoints–including those from arts and culture, with literary criticism that sets the standard in the academy and among general readers alike–The New Republic continues to be America’s best and most influential journal of opinion.

In addition to a fortnightly print magazine, The New Republic now publishes a daily web magazine featuring online-only analysis of politics and culture.

Know more about the issues and subjects that are important to you, each week–things that you don’t find elsewhere. Subscribe today!

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Mayo de 2008

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Enero 2008

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Mayo 2010

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Septiembre 2010

MAGS: Time Out, Oakley Capital

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Un fondo de inversión al rescate de una publicación.

Fundado en 1968, Tony Elliot
En enero de 2010 puso sobre la mesa 3 millones de libras para reducir su deuda.
Oakley Capital compra el 50% en noviembre de 2010.

Elliot: «I have considered many potential investors over the last 7 years to help the brand with the next phase of development and I believe that Oakley Capital, with its entrepreneurial operational focus, will help us with this. I genuinely believe that I have found a real partner for what I expect to be a hugely successful worldwide digital journey.»

Frequency: Weekly
Day published: Wednesday
Cover price: £2.99
Annual cover price: £152.49
6 issue trial: £2.99 – save 83%!
Annual credit card subscription: £79.99 – save 48%!
Annual direct debit subscription: £69.99 save 54%!

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Time Out Communications Ltd.
Universal House
251 Tottenham Court Road
Tel: +44 (0)20 7813 3000
Fax: +44 (0)20 7813 6001

The Oakley Group is an asset management and financial advisory business with over $630m of assets under management. It is focused on understanding investors’ interests and requirements, while retaining the flexibility to move quickly and decisively in response to their needs.

Time Out has a worldwide audience of over 17m per annum across all these channels and continues to grow its digital presence, with global unique users per month up 38% year on year to 7.5m, of which over 2m are in London. Time Out also recently launched its location based iPhone applications and has already had over 500,000 downloads in 2010. Time Out publishes a broad range of magazines and guides, its weekly magazine has 36 versions in 24 countries which is complemented by 22 travel magazines and city guides to some 50 cities, translated into 10 languages.

MAGS: The Paris Review

The Paris Review
Nueva York
Revista literaria
Fundada en París en 1953
‘Dear Reader’
Editor Lorin Stein
Managing Editor Nicole Rudick
40$ año

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Michel Houellebecq and Norman Rush on the art of fiction.

New fiction by Lydia Davis, Sam Lipsyte, and newcomer April Ayers Lawson.

Essays by John Jeremiah Sullivan and J. D. Daniels, poems by Frederick Seidel, art from Tauba Auerbach, and more.

DESIGN: Arthur Hochstein , 1.000 portadas, TIME

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Arthur Hochstein
Design Director
Una leyenda.
Hasta final de 2009.

De un vistazo.

1.000 portacdas de Time.

1000 TIME Covers: Thinking Inside the (Red) Box
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Helen Mills Theatre
137-139 West 26th Street (between 6th & 7th Aves), NYC

7:00 – 8:30 PM, doors open at 6:30

Arthur Hochstein was the Design Director of Time magazine for 15 years, through the end of 2009. During his time there he designed over 1000 covers, including some of the most memorable magazine images of recent years. His iconic cover designs include everything from OJ Simpson, 9/11, the War in Iraq, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. And although the covers of Time included some of the best illustrators and photographers in the world, many of the covers were photo-illustrated by Hochstein himself, who created numerous humorous and pointed images.

Like a modern day version of classic Esquire cover designer George Lois, Hochstein wielded irony, wit, provocation, and powerful imagery to create what was, week after week, the most seen and talked about piece of print real estate in the business. Hochstein will be presenting a retrospective of his cover work at Time in a presentation hosted by the Society of Publication Designers on October 27 in New York City. «1000 Time Covers: Thinking Inside the (Red) Box» will be a unique behind the scenes look at the creation of the Time cover.

Here’s a slideshow of a dozen of our favorite Time covers designed by Arthur Hochstein over the past 15 years.

LOGOS: Rediseño MPA, Pentagram

The Association of Magazine Media cambia.
Nuevo nombre, objetivos y logo.
Hacia la multiplataforma.
«MPA is underscoring the fact that magazine media content engages consumers across multiple platforms, including websites, tablets, smartphones, books, live events and more.»

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MPA: The Association of Magazine Media (nuevo logo)
Por Pentagram.

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MPA: Magazine Publishers of America (antes)

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MPA – The Association of Magazine Media is the industry association for multi-platform magazine companies. Established in 1919, MPA represents approximately 225 domestic magazine media companies with more than 1,000 titles, nearly 50 international companies and more than 100 associate members. Staffed by magazine industry specialists, MPA is headquartered in New York City, with a government affairs office in Washington, DC. For more information, please visit www.magazine.org.

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