Jurado 2020 INMA Global Media Awards

INMA Global Media Awards

Jurando en la edición de 2020 INMA Global Media Awards, en la categoría 9: Best Idea to Encourage Print Readership or Engagement (Regional y Nacional).

En esta categoría se apreció la creatividad de ideas de los medios para el fomento de la lectura y el desarrollo de nuevas audiencias en los medios impresos.

Algunas categorías de la edición 2020.
Algunas categorías de la edición 2020.

Estos premios son una competición abierta entre diarios, revistas, televisiones y sitios web en la que se valora las mejores prácticas en las decisiones en torno a las audiencias de los medios. Aquí las bases de la convocatoria en PDF.

Convocatoria 2020
Convocatoria 2020

Sobre INMA
La International News Media Association (INMA) es el proveedor líder mundial de mejores prácticas mundiales para las empresas de medios de comunicación que buscan aumentar los ingresos, la audiencia y la marca en medio de un profundo cambio en el mercado. La sede central está en Texas (EEUU) y tiene delegaciones en Amsterdam (Holanda), Nueva Delhi (India) y San Salvador (El Salvador).

MAGS: The New Republic

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The New Republic
Why privacy always loses.
13 de diciembre.
Política EEUU.
Desde 1914
50.000 ejemplares.
Martin Peretz.
Liberal, demócrata, social.
En caída.
Portadas controvertidas.

Vía Papers Papers.

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Art Design/Direction Heroun+Co./Christine Car

About TNR
When The New Republic was founded in 1914, its mission was to provide its readers with an intelligent, stimulating and rigorous examination of American politics, foreign policy and culture. It has brilliantly maintained its mission for ninety years.

Headquartered in Washington, DC, The New Republic is uniquely positioned to cover public affairs from an insider’s vantage point. Our editors are among the most respected and influential journalists in the country, known for their uncanny ability to get at the important stories long before they reach other media.

The New Republic covers issues before they hit the mainstream, from energy to the environment, from foreign to fiscal policy. By publishing the best writing from a variety of viewpoints–including those from arts and culture, with literary criticism that sets the standard in the academy and among general readers alike–The New Republic continues to be America’s best and most influential journal of opinion.

In addition to a fortnightly print magazine, The New Republic now publishes a daily web magazine featuring online-only analysis of politics and culture.

Know more about the issues and subjects that are important to you, each week–things that you don’t find elsewhere. Subscribe today!

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Mayo de 2008

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Enero 2008

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Mayo 2010

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Septiembre 2010

MAGS: Assange, Rolling Stone Italia

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Rolling Stone
Edición Italia
Rock Star del Año.
Cowboy del Cyberespacio.

English version:

The Rockstar of the year 2010 – honor rendered every December by the Italian edition of the magazine Rolling Stone to the person who best embodied a rock’n’roll behavior during the year – is Julian Assange. The rockstar of the year 2010 edition, for the first time in partnership with the popular website Dagospia.com, will premiered on line both on Rolling Stone and Roberto D’Agostino website, starting on December 13th and will be published also on the monthly magazine, available from December 29th The IT rock’n’roll of silver hair Assange will happily be with us for all the upcoming year 2011. He is the exterminator angel of every rotten power hidden secret. He is the man who fell on Earth from the Net and his resemblance with David Bowie in the 1976 Nicholas Roeg’s movie («The man who fell to earth») is simply amazing. His strategy reminds Marvel best comics and the whole imagery of the platinum «villain» who puts in danger the most powerful men of the world, from the Sixties to today, through William Gibson’s cyberpunk and the «Matrix» cycle.

Assange is an icon like Che Guevara on T-shirts or Mao for Andy Warhol. He is the pop leader of the end of diplomacy and imperial security. Assange is the true rock&roll; star of the Three Thousand years.

MAGS: Time Out, Oakley Capital

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Un fondo de inversión al rescate de una publicación.

Fundado en 1968, Tony Elliot
En enero de 2010 puso sobre la mesa 3 millones de libras para reducir su deuda.
Oakley Capital compra el 50% en noviembre de 2010.

Elliot: «I have considered many potential investors over the last 7 years to help the brand with the next phase of development and I believe that Oakley Capital, with its entrepreneurial operational focus, will help us with this. I genuinely believe that I have found a real partner for what I expect to be a hugely successful worldwide digital journey.»

Frequency: Weekly
Day published: Wednesday
Cover price: £2.99
Annual cover price: £152.49
6 issue trial: £2.99 – save 83%!
Annual credit card subscription: £79.99 – save 48%!
Annual direct debit subscription: £69.99 save 54%!

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Time Out Communications Ltd.
Universal House
251 Tottenham Court Road
Tel: +44 (0)20 7813 3000
Fax: +44 (0)20 7813 6001

The Oakley Group is an asset management and financial advisory business with over $630m of assets under management. It is focused on understanding investors’ interests and requirements, while retaining the flexibility to move quickly and decisively in response to their needs.

Time Out has a worldwide audience of over 17m per annum across all these channels and continues to grow its digital presence, with global unique users per month up 38% year on year to 7.5m, of which over 2m are in London. Time Out also recently launched its location based iPhone applications and has already had over 500,000 downloads in 2010. Time Out publishes a broad range of magazines and guides, its weekly magazine has 36 versions in 24 countries which is complemented by 22 travel magazines and city guides to some 50 cities, translated into 10 languages.

GRAPHICS: 8 de diciembre de 1980, NYC

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Día del suceso, por la mañana.

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La muerte de John Lennon
8 de diciembre de 1980, NYC.
Recreación de la policía.

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Croquis del asesinato de Lennon.
Astucia Report.
Versión oficial.

Lennon (1) gets out of limousine. Yoko Ono (4) got out seconds earlier and is about 35 feet ahead. Chapman (2) waits at the entrance under the archway. As Lennon walks by (3), Chapman fires. Ono (5) is in the lobby when Lennon is shot. Lennon staggers about 30 feet to the concierge stand (6) in the lobby where he falls, fatally wounded.

(Note: The dimensions shown in Exhibit B are close approximations based on first-hand observation and painstaking analyses of photographs taken; however, it must be noted that the Dakota’s security people would not allow me to walk inside the entrance and take precise measurements.)

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Esquema en The New York Times.

(6) A diagram published in the New York Times on Dec. 10, 1980 shows Chapman standing behind Lennon, to his right. The accompanying caption reads as follows:

…Mr. Lennon and Yoko Ono left their car (1), while the assailant (2) waited inside the arch. As they walked by (3), he fired. Mr. Lennon staggered up into a room (4) where he fell, fatally wounded.

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Mark David Chapman.

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Lennon firmando un autógrafo para Chapman, 12 de agosto de 1980.

Lennon signing an autograph for Chapman (12/8/80), whose preoccupation
with Lennon had begun just months before the murder.

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La entrada al Dakota.
Escena del crimen.

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Planta del Dakota.

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El revólver del 38 y los casquillos.

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Certificado de muerte.

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Las huellas, registradas cuando pidió la ciudadanía estadounidense en 1976.

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The FBI files.
The FBI assembled around 300 pages of files on John Lennon in 1971-72, part of President Nixon’s effort to deport Lennon to silence him as a critic of the war in Vietnam.

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Después el asesinato.

John Lennon was shot dead by Mark Chapman outside the Dakota building, where the former Beatle lived in New York. Crowds gathered outside to pay tribute.

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La vigilia.
December 1980: Fans of John Lennon holding a vigil after he was shot dead by a fan on December 8th at his home in New York. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

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The Green Card
John Lennon’s United States Resident Alien Visa (Green Card) c. 1976. When John Lennon’s temporary visa expired in Feb. 1972, the Nixon administration sought to have him deported, citing a 1968 conviction for the possession of marijuana. After a four-year battle, Lennon finally won the right to stay in the U.S.. In 1983, a lawsuit was brought against the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act to release its files on Lennon, which document the Bureau’s role in the Nixon administration’s attempt to stop Lennon’s anti-war campaign before the 1972 election. Photo:David Behl/©Yoko Ono

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Nashville Banner.

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Yoko, LA Times.

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LA Times.

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Daily Mirror.

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Portada de Newsweek.

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World Daily News

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News Standard

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New York Post

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La conspiración en cómic, MackWhite.

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Portada del primer Rolling Stone.
9 de noviembre de 1967

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Rolling Stone, enero de 1981

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Infografía de Beatriz Santacruz en EL MUNDO con motivo del 25 aniversario.
7 de diciembre de 2005

Vídeo de la noticia, ABC News.

La reacción de Reagan.

Reconstrucción del asesinato.

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