Diseño de dashboards y cuadros de mandos

Diseño de visualización.

Diseño de dashboards estratégicos y tácticos para visualizar datos en tiempo real o desde una base de datos histórica.

¿Qué es un dashboard?
Un dashboard es una representación gráfica personalizada e interactiva de los indicadores que intervienen en la consecución de los objetivos de una empresa, y que está orientada a la toma de decisiones para optimizar la estrategia de la empresa.

Fases de la construcción:
– Análisis de indicadores necesarios y correctos para hacer un seguimiento correcto.
– Wireframe del cuadro de mandos.
– Diseño final del cuadro de mandos con los principales indicadores o KPIs.
– Desarrollo
– Visualización de los indicadores que permiten hacer el seguimiento de los objetivos.

Realización de dashboards para Havas Media Group (2016-2018):
Meaningful Brands es un estudio interactivo de Havas Group, de periodicidad bienal, que estudia la calidad de las relaciónes entre consumidores y marcas.

Buscador de datos por países. Havas Media Group.
Buscador de datos por países. Havas Media Group.
Diseño de visualización interactiva. Havas Media Group.
Diseño de visualización interactiva. Havas Media Group.
Diferentes vistas de visualizaciones. Havas Media Group, 2018
Diferentes vistas de visualizaciones. Havas Media Group, 2018
Matriz de indicadores, Havas Media Group, 2018
Matriz de indicadores, Havas Media Group, 2018

Realización de dashboards para Airef (2016-2017):
Una plataforma interactiva de difusión de datos para la contribución a la estabilidad presupuestaria y para promover la sostenibilidad de las AAPP.
Autoridad Independiente de Responsabilidad Fiscal.

Entrada a DataLab de Airef.
Entrada a DataLab de Airef.
Observatorio de la deuda de Airef.
Observatorio de la deuda de Airef.

Diseño de simuladores de hipotecas o reservas (2016-2017)
Un simulador de hipoteca es una herramienta de cálculo que permite conocer las cifras de las cuotas de préstamo, simulación de la amortización, interés y capital de un préstamo hipotecario solicitado para la compra de vivienda.

Diseño portada para la entrada a un simulador de deuda, 2018
Diseño portada para la entrada a un simulador de deuda, 2018
Diseño de campos de entrada a simulador de deuda.
Diseño de campos de entrada a simulador de deuda.
Cuadro de mandos de un simulador de reservas.
Cuadro de mandos de un simulador de reservas.

POSTER GEMS: Golden Age of Travel, 1920-1940

Boston Public Library
Mapas de viajes
Vistos en Cartogrammar

Who: Andy Woodruff, cartographer.
What: Maps! Cartography!
Where: Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Elsewhere: Twitter inanity. Delicious bookmarks. Flickr photos (more here too).
contact: awoodruff@gmail.com.

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The gentle art of civilized living
File name: 08_05_000036
Title: The gentle art of civilized living
Creator/Contributor: Treidler, Adolph, b. 1886 (artist)
Date issued: 1934
Physical description: 1 print (poster) : color
Genre: Travel posters; Prints
Subjects: Bars; Ocean travel; Compagnie générale transatlantique
Notes: Title from item.
Statement of responsibility: Adolph Treidler
Location: Boston Public Library, Print Department
Rights: Rights status not evaluated

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Visitez Belle-Ile-en-Mer. En pleine mer en Bretagne
File name: 08_05_000023

Title: Visitez Belle-Ile-en-Mer. En pleine mer en Bretagne
Created/Published: France : Lucien Serre & Cie. Imp.
Date issued: 1910-1959 (approximate)
Physical description: 1 print (poster) : color
Genre: Travel posters; Prints
Subjects: Tourism
Notes: Title from item.; Printed in France
Statement of responsibility: P. Cadre
Location: Boston Public Library, Print Department
Rights: Rights status not evaluated

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File name: 08_05_000141

Title: Doppeldeckzuge. Hamburg Lübeck travemünde. Aus dem Häusermeer an die see
Creator/Contributor: Templeton, Peter S. (Peter Smith), 1875-1971 (artist)
Date issued: 1910-1959 (approximate)
Physical description: 1 print (poster) : color
Genre: Travel posters; Prints
Subjects: Railroad travel; Railroads; Lübeck-Büchener Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft
Notes: Title from item.
Statement of responsibility: Peter S. Templeton
Location: Boston Public Library, Print Department
Rights: Rights status not evaluated

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Jura Suisse. Ligne lectrifie du Jura Suisse voitures directes
File name: 08_05_000239
Title: Jura Suisse. Ligne électrifiée du Jura Suisse voitures directes
Created/Published: Neuchatel [Switzerland] : Paul Attinger S. A.
Date issued: 1910-1959 (approximate)
Physical description: 1 print (poster) : color
Genre: Travel posters; Prints
Subjects: Railroads
Notes: Title from item.
Statement of responsibility: Coulon
Location: Boston Public Library, Print Department
Rights: Rights status not evaluated

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See Boulder Dam enroute to California
File name: 08_05_000298
Title: See Boulder Dam enroute to California
Created/Published: Chicago
Date issued: 1935 (inferred)
Physical description: 1 print (poster) : lithograph, color
Genre: Travel posters; Lithographs
Subjects: Dams; Union Pacific Railroad Company
Notes: Title from item.; Litho in U.S.A.; Caption on image: Actual photograph of World’s Largest Dam taken at Dedication Ceremonies, Sept. 30. 1935. Reached only via North Western-Union Pacific — the Boulder Dam route
Location: Boston Public Library, Print Department
Rights: Rights status not evaluated

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Proclamation by the King of the Carnival
File name: 08_05_000309
Title: Proclamation by the King of the Carnival
Date issued: 1936 (inferred)
Physical description: 1 print (poster) : color
Genre: Travel posters; Prints
Subjects: Kings; Celebrations; Tourism
Notes: Title from item.; Caption below title: Greeting … the King will pay his annual visit to His beloved capital city of New Orleans on the great fête day of Mardi Gras; Bad tear along bottom.
Location: Boston Public Library, Print Department
Rights: Rights status not evaluated

The Boston Public Library’s Print Department is home to more than 350 vintage travel posters, most dating from the 1920s-1940s, the «Golden Age of Travel.»

Railways opened up America and Europe, luxe ocean liners introduced elegance into
overseas voyages, and drivers took to the road in record numbers in their new automobiles. By the mid-1940s, new airlines crisscrossed the globe, winging adventure-seekers to far-flung destinations.

Travel agents and ticket offices during this period were festooned with vivid, eye-catching posters, all designed to capture the beauty, excitement and adventure of travel and to promote a world of enticing destinations and new modes of transportation. Individual artists gained fame for their distinctive graphic styles and iconic imagery, and many posters from this era still remain important works of art long after their original advertising purposes have faded.

GRAPHICS: Travel Gold Rush 2020, Amadeus

The Travel Gold Rush 2020

Pioneering growth and profitability trends in the travel sector
Developed by Oxford Economics in partnership with Amadeus

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La caída del turismo, 2009

However, global tourism arrivals fell by 4.2% in 2009 to 880 million as the effects of recession hit. Tourism receipts ($852 billion) were 5.7% below the levels of 2008 – suggesting that people were also spending less per trip if they did travel.

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Los ingresos adicionales
Antes incluidos en el billete, ahora desglosados.
– Maletas
– Equipaciones
– Comidas
– Snacks
– Bebidas
– Medicinas
– Seguridad de élite
– Garantías de asiento
– Posición en el avión

Ingresos adicionales
2006: 1.700 millones de euros
2009: 11.000 millones de euros.

According to IdeaWorks, worldwide airline ancillary revenues were some €11 billion in 2009 – up from only €1.7 billion in 2006. 72% of airlines worldwide derive ancillary revenue from hotel and rental car bookings.

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Evolución de los billetes económicos y los de primera.
Un gran ejemplo para ilustrar a quién afecta la crisis económica.

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Los cambios en las destinos, 2020

About Amadeus

The leading provider of IT solutions to your tourism and travel industry
Amadeus is a leading transaction processor for the global travel and tourism industry, providing transaction processing power and technology solutions to both travel providers (including full service carriers and low-cost airlines, hotels, rail operators, cruise and ferry operators, car rental companies and tour operators) and travel agencies (both online and offline). The company acts both as a worldwide network connecting travel providers and travel agencies through a highly effective processing platform for the distribution of travel products and services (through our Distribution business), and as a provider of a comprehensive portfolio of IT solutions which automate certain mission-critical business processes, such as reservations, inventory management and operations for travel providers (through our IT solutions business).

About Oxford Economics

Economics matters. Combining skilled analysis with detailed economic and industry information provides a sound foundation for your business decisions and thought leadership activities.

Oxford Economics is one of the world’s foremost global forecasting and research consultancies. Founded in 1981 as a joint venture with Templeton College, the business college of Oxford University, Oxford Economics has since grown into a major independent provider of global economic, industry and business analysis.

A leader in quantitative analysis, Oxford Economics relies on detailed economic research and cutting-edge analytical tools to help our clients assess the opportunities, challenges and strategic choices they face now and in the future.

By using a suite of time-tested models, our team of more than 60 professional economists and industry experts provide you with the analysis you need for making decisions and developing thought leadership. We help you identify future global economic and business trends and what they will mean for your organisation, industry, market or customers. And we present our insights and foresights in clear business language, backed by a brand you can trust.

MAPS: Michelín, 100 años

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La guía Michelin francesa celebra su centenario. El próximo día 5 de marzo saldrá a la venta la edición de 2009, con una portada escogida entre las 100 encargadas a artistas y estudiantes.

Michelin (Manufacture Française des Pneumatiques Michelin) también ha creado una web especial para conmemorar la ocasión.

Los mapas de Michelin son piezas clásicas de la cartografía mundial. Sobre estas líneas algunos mapas de entre 1911 y 1920.

Además de mapas y atlas, la compañía representada por ’Bibendum’ (1910) ofrece la renombrada línea de guías de viaje ’Green Travel Guides.

STREETS: Arde un coloso de la arquitectura

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Mandarin Oriental ha confirmado que el incendio del hotel que iba a abrir en el verano de 2009 ha sido extinguido.

Para la prensa nacional, el incendio no ha existido (portada del Oriental Morning Post de hoy) o se encuentra perdida en sus páginas digitales.

La televisión pública china CCTV que permitió el lanzamiento de fuegos artificiales (sin permiso de las autoridades) ha perdido perdón.

MAPS: El viaje de Vladimir Yarets

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Vladimir Yarets, de 67 años, entrará en el libro Guinness de los Récords como la primera persona sorda en viajar alrededor del mundo en motocicleta. Desde su salida desde Minsk (Bielorrusia) en 2000, Yarets ha recorrido más de 70 países.

En la fotografía de su maleta, extraída de su página digital, se puede ver el mapa ‘plastificado’ de la ruta que está siguiendo. Actualmente se encuentra en Singapore.


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