GRAPHICS: Barómetro de medios, KPMG

Anytime, anywhere
The rising demand of media on the move KPMG’s media and entertainment barometer

Third Media and Entertainment Barometer, a six-monthly consumer survey conducted on behalf of KPMG byYouGov.

«Over the past year traditional media has held up well, and despite the ever growing availability of online media, consumers still expect and consume both. This has led to a mixed ecology, with people accessing content in the traditional way and online. The popularity of consuming media in the traditional way remains very resilient.» David Elms, KPMG

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Medios tradicionales.
Descensos en radio y diario, aumentan la TVs y las revistas.

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Aumenta los encuestados que pagarían por contenidos en la red.
Para periódicos online, del 24% al 33% en un año.

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Los móviles no son para leer periódicos.

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Sólo el 2% de los encuestados tiene tableta.
El 16% lee diarios en el dispositivo.

Paywalls & Subscriptions

Subscribers most commonly paid for music (23 percent), online gaming (21 percent), business news/analysis (19 percent), online newspapers/ magazines (19 percent) and TV (19 percent).

Newspapers, books and print magazines

86 percent of consumers said they preferred to consume media offl ine rather than online. The most popular reason was a preference to reading physical copies.

Amongst those who had engaged in new media activities, the highest mean spend was on digital books, with 22 percent of those spending more than £5.

Over the past six months there had been a small increase in the proportion reading digital books.

– Newspaper and magazine readers aged 18-34 were less likely to pay for print media compared with the general population.

– Some major national newspaper groups have introduced paywalls for their online content, and all eyes have been on whether they are likely to be successful in the long term. Our survey suggests that as long as content is available for free elsewhere, the majority of consumers (79 percent) would rather find a different provider than pay for content online.

KPMG in the UK has over 10,000 partners and staff working in 22 offices and is part of a strong global network of member firms. Our vision is simple – to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of our clients, people and our capital markets.

WWW: The Connected Kingdom

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The Connected Kingdom
How The Internet Is Transforming the UK Economy
The Boston Consulting Group

This report reveals just how big the UK’s Internet economy is right now. It’s worth 100bn to the UK – more than the construction, utilities or transport sectors. The report is also important because it tells us how big the UK’s Internet economy could be in the future – potentially 10% of GDP. As we face uncertain economic times ahead, this report suggests that Internet companies could be at the heart of our future recovery.

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Indice de gasto electrónico.

Google commissioned The Boston Consulting Group to produce an independent analysis of the value of the UK’s Internet economy, the factors that are driving this, how we compare to other countries, and how this will change in the future. Google wants to help UK businesses get online and use the Internet to grow and have run programmes like ‘Getting British Business Online’ to help businesses create their first website, we’re also interested in helping existing online businesses to grow further.

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‘The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advisor on business strategy. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. Our customized approach combines deep insight into the dynamics of companies and markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organisation. This ensure that our clients achieve sustainable competitive advantage, build more capable organisations, and secure lasting results. Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with 70 offices in 41 countries. For more information, please visit

PHOTO: Steve Jobs y su iPad

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Podemos comparar el Ipad (2010) con el primer Macintosh de 128K (1984).

Costaba una barbaridad (10,000$), tenía poca capacidad de almacenamiento, pocos periféricos, una RAM mínima, la resolución de pantalla era patética (72 PPI), el nuevo sistema operativo era cavernícola (System 1.0). Por no mencionar los horribles disquetes.

Ahora pienso en el G5 de 2006.

Estoy seguro que no tendrás que esperar 22 años para ver un Ipad realmente poderoso. Buen trabajo, señor Jobs.

En directo:



I see Ipad (2010) like the first 128K Macintosh (1984).

It costed a lot of money (10,000$), had poor storage (400kb), lack of periphrals and RAM, no real good resolution (72 PPI), a new poor system (System 1.0), horrible floopy disks…

Now, think on 2006 G5.

I am sure we will not have to wait 22 years to see a really powerful Ipad. Well done, Mr. Jobs.

GRAPHIC: Tres Amigas, Nuevo México

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Infografía que muestra el gasto electricidad de los centros de datos que mueven Internet: Entre 200 y 2005, la energía consumida se ha doblado en EEUU y también en el mundo.

US Infraestructure

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La red eléctrica de EEUU debe modernizarse.
EEUU tiene tres redes principales de suministro con no muy buenas conexiones entre sí (Este, Oeste y Texas).

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Tres Amigas es un plan para interconectar los tres redes y centralizar la distribución desde Clovis, Nuevo México (governador Bill Richardson).

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La configuración:
5 gigavatios (GW) de potencia entre los tres puntos (el proyecto contempla una capacidad final de 30 GW).

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Cables superconductores entre los tres centros.

Tres Amigas

US Infraestructure


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‘Las secuelas de la crisis global. España: coyuntura económica y perspectivas a medio plazo’.
Septiembre de 2009
UBS Wealth Management Research.

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Aumento general del paro y caída del consumo

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Desplome de la vivienda y de los precios.
Pinchazo de la burbuja inmobiliaria.

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UBS vaticina una salida de la crisis en V, frágil y lenta, que terminará en una línea plana de crecimiento hasta 2017.

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Pensiones, ‘la bomba de relojería’
El informe dice: ‘En países como España, el ratio de dependencia y las pensiones se dispararán por la coincidencia de un baby boom más tardío seguido de un «bache demográfico» en los ’80-90. Esto lastrará las cuentas públicas y el potencial de crecimiento, obligando a reformas (retraso en la jubilación) que hagan sostenible el sistema a largo plazo’.

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