PRESS: El día más aburrido del siglo XX, True Knowledge

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El día más aburrido del siglo XX.
Domingo, 11 de abril de 1954

Sunday, April 11, 1954

Nobody significant died that day, no major events apparently occurred and although a typical day in the 20th century has many notable people being born, for some reason that day had only one person that might make that claim: Abdullah Atalar – a Turkish academic.

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Portada de Daily Mail.

True Knowledge is building the first internet-scale platform for answering the world’s questions.

Our goal is to power a new kind of search experience where users can access the world’s knowledge simply by asking for the information they need in a way that is completely natural to them; just as if they were talking to another human being.

Instead of a list of links that may or may not be relevant to the query, the user experience is an immediate, perfect response, giving them exactly the information they are after.

Our unique semantic technology has been many years in development. It understands user questions, represents knowledge in a way that the system can understand and process and can combine existing knowledge to infer new facts and answer questions it has never seen before.

Powering the platform is also a database of facts: a unified representation of the world’s knowledge containing factual, common sense and lexical knowledge. We can already answer trillions of questions and as this knowledge base grows, we understand and answer more and more.

Follow the links on the right to learn more about True Knowledge.

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Aquí en España, estaban con la Semana Santa.
Esta portada de ABC parece confirmar la noticia.

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En Sevilla, Domingo de Ramos.
Todo un acontecimiento para ABC.

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La Vanguardia certifica la estadística.

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El Mundo Deportivo.
Kubala jugará de delantero centro.
Previas y previas.

WWW: The Awl, discusiones diarias en horas sensibles

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‘Be Less Stupid’
David Cho, editor
Alex Balk and Choire Sicha, redacción
Desde 2009
Discusiones diarias en la red en las horas sensibles del trabajo con gran éxito.

Sitios nuevos que han abierto:

Para entrar, necesitas registrarte, una cuenta.
Esta información se almacena.
‘This information is saved to respond to issues and inquiries of all types’.
La información demográfica (no privada) se comparte con terceras partes (publicidad).
‘Aggregated demographic information about our audience is shared with third-party advertising partners’.

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Alexa’s three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 20,656. The site is relatively popular among users in the city of Greensboro (where it is ranked #1,363). Search engines refer about 8% of visits to the site. has a bounce rate of roughly 67% (i.e., 67% of visits consist of only one pageview). The time spent in a typical visit to it is about three minutes, with 90 seconds spent on each pageview.

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No personally identifiable information is shared with third parties, with one limited exception: in situations in which The Awl must disclose personally identifiable information about a user if we have a good faith belief that doing so is required by law, such as pursuant to a subpoena or other judicial or administrative order.

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A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a user’s computer for record-keeping purposes. The Awl uses cookies on this site. Some of the information stored in cookies is sometimes linked to readers’ accounts.

MAGS: Best covers 2010, ASME

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Las mejores portadas de 2010
American Society of Magazine Editors

En Amazon.

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Portada del año
Harper’s Bazaar, December 2009: «Twilight»

People of all ages sunk their teeth into the Twilight saga. At the forefront of the vampire phenomenon were Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, who graced Harper’s Bazaar’s December subscriber cover in a rare shot together. Harper’s Bazaar was the only monthly magazine to feature the couple on a cover. While the epic image played on the idea of courtship, it was given extra heat due to their real-life romance.

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Noticias y negocios
The Atlantic

The Atlantic, May 2010: «Fat Nation»
Marc Ambinder uses the story of his own battle with obesity to comment on America’s long and losing war against fat. We wanted an image that presented obesity as a truly national epidemic, one that would plant the problem squarely at the feet of Americans. Alex Ostroy’s image of an obese Statue of Liberty highlights the national scope of the problem with a dash of wit.

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Ciencia y tecnología
National Geographic

National Geographic, April 2010: «Water: Our Thirsty World»
To create a just-dunked effect for the cover of National Geographic’s April 2010 special issue, «Water: Our Thirsty World,» executive editor William Marr and staff photographer Mark Thiessen started with a shiny slab of white Formica coated with car polish. Artfully spritzed water drops beaded up and posed through many lighting experiments and photos, then the famous yellow rectangle and the cover type took their places in the image. That’s not all that happened, but the rest has something to do with magic.

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Más controvertida
New York

New York, September 28, 2009: «HATE»
New York’s Obama «HATE» cover takes Shepard Fairey’s campaign «HOPE» poster and turns it on its head to reflect the political realities of fall 2009. A collection of words used on signs at Obama protests («imposter . . . Hitler . . . parasite-in-chief») were hand-painted and then digitally placed onto a photograph of Obama, while the word «hate» replaces «hope» at the base of the image. The cover caused controversy for scrawling hateful words across the face of the president, and it certainly showed in stark fashion the public vitriol that emerged so loudly in some quarters in the months since Obama’s election.

About American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME)
The American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) is the principal organization for magazine journalists in the United States. The 700 members of ASME include the editorial leaders of most major consumer and business magazines published in print and online. Founded in 1963, ASME works to defend the First Amendment, protect editorial independence and support the development of journalism. ASME sponsors the National Magazine Awards in association with the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

PRESS: Design Parade, Germany rules

Todas tienen algo.
Simplemente, son muy buenos.
Una lección.
Difícil ver una portada similar a otra.
¿Se llaman para no repetirse?
¡Son alemanes!

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Financial Times Deutscheland

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Neueste Nachrichten

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Wolfsburger Nachrichten

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Die Welt
Alucinante portada

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Die Tageszeitung

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Neue Westfálische

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Rheinische Post

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Mannheimer Morgen
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Südwest Presse

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Augsburger Allgemeine

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Frantfurter Allgemeine

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Berliner Kurier

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Morgen Post

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Süeddeutsche Zeitung_

PHOTO: Cornada en Aguascalientes

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’El Hidrocálido, Aguascalientes, México.

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Fotografía del Hidrocálido, primera inspección de la herida.

A José Tomás.
Joaquín Sabina, testigo presencial de la hemorragia.
En una de estas, acabará siendo más grande que Manolete.
Día de Gloria para los fotógrafos Leopoldo Smith Murillo (EFE), Juan Manuel Robledo (AP) y Armando Landín Miranda (, y el diario ‘El Hidrocálido’ (diario de Aguascalientes y AP).

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Juan Manuel Robledo (AP) , la cogida.

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Juan Manuel Robledo (AP), al quirófano.

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Leopoldo Smith Murillo (EFE).
Impresionante foto, Alberto Elvira trata de taponar la herida con su mano. El diestro también aprieta.

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Armando Landín Miranda (, la cogida.

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Armando Landín Miranda (

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Infografía de EL MUNDO de hoy.

FOTOGALERÍA, Diario de Navarra

PRESS: Martes de ceniza

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Morgunbladid, Islandia

Incertidumbre y preocupación bajo la isla de las montañas.
Fuerza amenazante debajo de la tierra.
Mientras, las producción de cenizas disminuye.
No significa que vaya a parar.
Llegan a menos altura.
‘According to meteorologist Halldor Bjornsson, it is not possible to say the reduced ash fall means the eruption is winding down; but farmers are welcoming the development nevertheless. At its peak, 750 tonnes of ash were spewing out of the volcano every second. The eruption has been upgraded from small to medium in size’.
10 centímetros de cenizas en el suelo.
El problema se les cae encima.
Tres vídeos de las explosiones de ayer.
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Mapa turístico del sur de Islandia.

PRESS: Lunes de ceniza, SOS

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Morgunbladid, Islandia
En su web desmienten que un segundo volcán esté en erupción
Problemas con las cenizas en tierra. Van a más.
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Financial Times Deutscheland, Alemania
Las compañías se sublevan contra la prohibición.
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Mannheimer Morgen, Alemania
Un caos sin fin a la vista
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The Times
Brown bajo presión para que el Reino Unido vuele.
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Fuldaer Zeitung, Alemania
Los aviación continúa en el suelo.
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Salzburger Nachrichten, Austria
Las compañías exigen suavizar las restricciones
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