BOOKS: Más allá del capital, Meszaros

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Debate sobre el futuro de Cuba el pasado 8 de noviembre.
AP. Javier Galeano.

Abril de 2011: El Partido Comunista Cubano debatirá sobre su futuro ideológico para los próximos cinco años.

«The Sixth Party Congress will concentrate on a solution to our economic problems» () «make fundamental decisions on how to modernize the Cuban economic model and adopt the paths for economic and social policy of the party and the revolution», Raúl Castro.

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Beyond Capital
Istvan Meszaros
La crisis estructural del capitalismo.
El libro de cabecera de Chavez.

Istvan Meszaros left his native Hungary after the Soviet invasion of 1956. He is professor emeritus at the University of Sussex, where he held the chair of philosophy for fifteen years. Meszaros is author of The Challenge and Burden of Historical Time, Beyond Capital, The Power of Ideology, The Work of Sartre, and Marx’s Theory of Alienation.

‘El secreto de la vida es la honestidad y el juego limpio, si puedes simular eso, lo has conseguido’. Groucho Marx.

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