GRAPHIC: El gráfico de Pisa

Gráfico contenido en el examen de comprensión lectora para elaborar el informe PISA, octava pregunta.
El gráfico lo realizó MCTdirect (McClatchy-Tribune Information Services), la antigua Knight Ridder Tribune Graphics (KRT) de George Rorick.

Preguntas de comprensión lectora.
La población objetiva del informe son más de 31 millones de jóvenes de 15 años repartidos por todo el mundo.
La prueba la realizaron 512.000 alumnos (el 1,65% de la población).
Aquí una buena discusión sobre porcentajes y muestras.

El protagonista: Vijaypat Singhania.
Récord en altitud en globo.

Reading Literacy

Question: What is the main idea of this text?
  1. Singhania was in danger during his balloon trip.
  2. Singhania set a new world record.
  3. Singhania travelled over both sea and land.
  4. Singhania’s balloon was enormous.
Answer: B. Singhania set a new world record.
Question: Vijaypat Singhania used technologies found in two other types of transport. Which types of transport?
Answer: Refers to BOTH airplanes AND spacecraft (in either order). [can include both answers on one line]
  • 1. Aircraft
  • 2. Spacecraft
  • 1. Airplanes
  • 2. space ships
  • 1. Air travel
  • 2. space travel
  • 1. Planes
  • 2. space rockets
  • 1. jets
  • 2. rockets
Partial Credit: Refers to EITHER airplanes OR spacecraft.
  • spacecraft
  • space travel
  • space rockets
  • rockets
  • Aircraft
  • Airplanes
  • Air travel
  • jets
Question: What is the purpose of including a drawing of a jumbo jet in this text?
Question: Refers explicitly or implicitly to the height of the balloon OR to the record. May refer to comparison between the jumbo jet and the balloon.
  • To show how high the balloon went.
  • To emphasise the fact that the balloon went really, really high.
  • To show how impressive his record really was – he went higher than jumbo jets!
  • As a point of reference regarding height.
  • To show how impressive his record really was. [minimal]
Question: Why does the drawing show two balloons?
  1. To compare the size of Singhania’s balloon before and after it was inflated.
  2. To compare the size of Singhania’s balloon with that of other hot air balloons.
  3. To show that Singhania’s balloon looks small from the ground.
  4. To show that Singhania’s balloon almost collided with another balloon.
Answer: B. To compare the size of Singhania’s balloon with that of other hot air balloons.
Otras historias
Gráficos de 1945 sobre bombas japonesas y globos.

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