Situación, IMMAP
17 de enero
The iMMAP team was formed in late 1998 to lead the first internationally-coordinated effort to combine information management, sociology and Geographic Information System technology to define the scourge of landmines and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and measure their impact on communities.
In 2001 the United Nations asked iMMAP to take what it had learned and developed in addressing the ERW threat, and apply this hard-earned intellectual capital in coordinating humanitarian activities in Afghanistan. Since that time, iMMAP has deployed at the request of the United Nations and international donors to most major crises on the global scene.
iMMAP remains the premier humanitarian information management organization, guiding international crisis responders who work to alleviate the suffering of those in dire need.
iMMAP is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization.